10 Common-sense Self Defense Tips For Men

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For more than 30 years now, self defence classes and seminars have been conducting. That I have established thousands of people how to protect and care for themselves.

Increasing private security ALWAYS commences with consciousness.

Because men could be assaulted in any circumstance and for a wide-ranging range of reasons I provide the following advice.

Here’s a list of ten simple Things You can do that will increase your security:

1 – Most men get involved in physical trouble as a consequence of stating something rude, impolite, tactless, stupid or hurtful. Could keep it in good form. Before you talk, think.

2 – If a fight breaks out in a bar – depart immediately. Go before brawlers and all of the drunks start swinging glasses, bottles, chairs and punches. Even a”free for all” usually starts with only two protagonists. Innocent bystanders get hit. People who abandon of the fools to party each other don’t.

3 – NEVER try to mediate a debate between a man and a girl. Both will stop arguing or fighting each other and turn on you – the enemy. Phone law enforcement, Should you fear for the safety of the woman.

4 – Understand that lots of people nowadays have a cocktail of drugs and booze in their veins. It makes them aggressive and”Mike Tyson-esque.” Avoid people who are”away from Earth.” Even a casual glance at them is able to place them off. Leave them.

5 – Do not make the fatal mistake of believing that ANYBODY fights”honest” any more. Those days are more – ! Expect numerous attackers, weapons.

6 – The cemeteries are filled with dead heroes. Do not add to their number. Run if you can. There’s absolutely not any shame in avoiding a fight. In reality, working out is intelligent.

7 – Recognize objects in every room of your home that could be applied as makeshift weapons. Home invasion is a curse nowadays due to the unwillingness of our governments.

8 – THIS IS MORE OF A LEGAL WARNING: Understand that in the event that you let yourself to be put in a”compromising” position with a girl, especially one who is”under-age,” then the lady’s version of events will ordinarily be believed over the man’s version. Do not allow yourself to get into these scenarios.

9 – Negotiation is a much greater art form than real confrontation. Do anything sensible to avoid a battle. NOTHING great comes out of battle. War is proof of this.

10 – If everything else fails, your back is to the wall along with there is absolutely no other alternative left remember…”it is better to be tried by twelve than carried by six”

Recall my opening words “increasing personal security ALWAYS commences with consciousness.” Improve your awareness, mind your manners, know your environment and you will surely enhance your security.

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