3 Key Lessons to Improve Your Rebounding Skill

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There are 2 occasions where it is possible to get the ball off the bounce: when you’re on the defense and when you’re on the crime. Either way, You Have to learn these lessons to become an rebounder of your group:

1. Rebounding is creating the body posture.

Your trainer always yells”rebound!” And you’re getting sick of this because no matter how high you jump, your opponent is still able to catch the ball from you. Then you may not be placing yourself in the proper rebounding position if this is the issue. Keep in mind this: when you get the ball on its way down, rebounding does not begin, it begins on the floor. Knowing where to put your body to get the position is one key to grabbing the ball. (I say a single key as you have to comprehend the next lesson.)

The ideal position is putting the body between your opponent and the ball. Please notice that not all rebounds come out of the board or the rim , so positioning your system between the competition and the basket isn’t always possible.

2. Rebounding is anticipating where the ball will land.

You know the position but it is useless if you don’t know how to anticipate where the ball will go. This requires common sense. If the ball has been taken in the perimeter, it is very likely that the ball will bounce off powerful. An opposite result may be yielded by A shot that is short. What you should do is to put your eye on the minute the player and the ball shooting the shot. Predict where the ball will land and then position yourself away considering lesson number 1. Please be aware that you can not always figure in which the ball will land the standing but knowing this will improve your likelihood of placing yourself to get the rebound.

3. Rebounding is about mindset.

As said by many, rebounding isn’t about who jumps or that stands tall; it is about who wants. Here is the next lesson you have to learn. The mindset is all it takes to become a great rebounder. You may understand how to position before rebounding and you also may understand how to anticipate where the ball will land, but you won’t receive it if you don’t want it.

Wanting the ball more, anticipate where the ball will land, and also know the position are the 3 aspects to turn into a good rebounder. Know these and you’ll be controlling the board.

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