If you’re a college or university student, you make a good deal of notes when you studying your text publications or are attending courses. After you review the notes you made when you’re preparing for assessments.
If there’s a perfect way or a wrong way to take notes, you might have wondered. Can you method much better than another?
Since everyones brain is indeed unique There’s most likely no 1 way that is most suitable for all people in all situations.
The primary problem with getting notes the traditional way is that is a procedure that is really passive. Taking notes does not receive the brain very involved. If it is possible to get your brain to get more involved in organizing the material you may remember it easier.
You can gain from making notes which include lots of drawings and graphs , even animations, if you’re strong in learning! If you’re high in abilities and feeble from the field you may do by tape-recording all the notes you need to remember.
The technique for note-taking is effective for folks that are observable. Of making notes, this way is called mind-mapping or making a learning map.
Although it takes a while to use mind-mapping effectively, most people who use it find they can retain and recall info with work.
The essence of the learning-map (also known as memory-map( or mind-map) technique is quite simple. You’ll require a blank bit of paper, so the bigger the better. You’ll have to have at least one pen.
You’ll be trying to fill the entire page therefore it’s necessary to keep the size of your composing quite tiny. With practice you must be able to judge what size of composing will get the job done.
As you see the content you’re studying, or hear the lecturer, choose exactly what you believe the theme is. For example, You May Be listening to a lecture where you decide the theme seems to be, Requirements in Europe 2
Or You May Be listening to a talk Which Has a central theme of Strategies that plants use to survive
Jot down the words in the center of the webpage, When you’ve determined what the theme is, and then draw a circle. Dont try to write a paragraph or a sentence — just get down enough of the words which will bring the ideas back into mind.
Keep studying or listening, watching for the very first major sub-theme.
Decide on a place on the webpage to jot down a couple of phrases which sum up the sub-theme, when you encounter the very first significant sub-theme. Draw a circle around the words that are sub-theme and then join your circle that is sub-theme .
Every time you locate a new, write down a couple of phrases draw a circle, and then to outline the notion. Draw a line to connect the circle . Eventually you will have a circle in the center with spokes radiating from it.
Spokes dont or the lines must be directly, and they can be of any period required. The circles dont have to be both circles; should you prefer, they can be triangles, squares, or even squiggles. It’s possible to use various colors that will assist you organize the ideas greater.
As the speaker or writer continues to exhibit his ideas, you will find that a number of the ideas being introduced are added supporting details which clarify or illustrate one of the sub-themes you have identified. In this instance you connect them, and then may compose these sub-sub-themes down using just a few words, enclose them into a circle or squiggle.
Eventually your sub-theme circles might have lots of spokes as lecturer or the writer continues to exhibit his ideas radiating from them. At a glance you will have the ability to take in the themes of this conversation and the inherent structure of the ideas.
Jot them Should you by chance have any ideas of your own while you’re reading or listening to this lecture. This shows you’ve got your brain actively interacting with this substance.
If you make a mind map or a learning map of your notes, you make a very document that differs a lot from traditional procedures of making course notes.
People who understand well creatively will benefit in the way that learning maps clearly show the relationships between sub-themes themes and encouraging facts and ideas.
Try out this technique whether this is actually the note-taking technique which works best for 16, and see!
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