Subliminal Messages & The CIA

Subliminal Messages & The CIA
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In 1957 the world was awakened to the probability that our minds could be manipulated. In a simple experiment, affecting also a cinema audience, coke and popcorn, by James Vicary, we had been lead to believe earnings were improved through using subliminal messages. It’s never been reproduced successfully and although the experiment was unsubstantiated, the belief that our behaviour cans affect lingers on in the public mindset. It sent fear through the civilized globe.

Back in Washington, D.C., legislators headed by William Dawson, began a campaign to prohibit the use of subliminal messages in television and radio. He cautioned that if messages were set to propaganda purposes they could serve and keep a totalitarian government.

The public outcry was deafening although there was no true proof. Then, as today, many scientists had severe reservations about the efficacy of such techniques – they didnt believe they worked. The majority of opinion within the governmental and scientific communities was the subliminal persuasion does not work. The people wanted them banned!

Could that be the reason why the USA, British and Australian Authorities banned their use television? Or can it be possible that somewhere along the line many other people found that by employing subliminal messages it is possible to influence humans behavior?

The messages, being subliminal (presented only below the threshold of conscious awareness), captivated an extremely powerful group not long after the Vicary experiment. Even the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), have always been included with the development and research of mind altering drugs and therapies. So it should come as no real surprise to you to find they spent a lot of funds and effort into studying the subject of persuasion.

In files, that were published under The Freedom Of Information Act, it can seen how involved in researching the efficacy of messages the CIA has been.

So what did they find out?

Well, under stress from Investigators and journalists, the CIA have published a variety of documents including years copies of their journal Studies in Intelligence. In a Journal, dated 1958, the CIA reported their initial investigations into subliminal persuasion. The report had been scarily known as The Operational Potential of Subliminal Perception.

It must be said that this was only 1 year after the Vicary experiment. The best available evidence is the documentation of the research applications of the CIA.

In a book written by Martin A. Lee, an undercover former CIA agent said that some thought had been given to whether they could affect a political outcome by employing subliminal messages on television and radio. In a record, from January 17th 1958, the CIA added that messages attained any success in advertisements and said in their projection it may be possible to incorporate a subliminal message like Obey!

No-one knows if it continues to this day or if the CIA ever finished their investigations into subliminal tech. Every year, its use for a self improvement instrument is growing. So, there must be something within it. Isnt it time to tried you?

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