When you use the Internet in your organization and computers, it is all too easy to start feeling as if you are drowning in a sea of crap. Items have a tendency to have a vocabulary all their own, and there are lots of confusing words and phrases that you are going to come across, while you don’t have to know it all. Following is a fast primer.
Bandwidth. Bandwidth is the amount of information your site can send each second, in addition to the quantity of information that the visitor to your site can receive. If one doesn’t have sufficient bandwidththen the web site will look. Because of this, you should pick a host with plenty of bandwidth, in addition to testing your website doesn’t take long to download on slow links.
Browser. A browser is the application (see below) that traffic to your website use to see it. The most popular browser is Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, which includes Windows.
Cookie. Cookies are information files your website can save on someone’s computer who visits this site, to allow it to recall who they are when they return. You will discover that issues people have in ordering in you will almost inevitably be related to cookies — that they will need to have them turned on.
Download. Moving information from a site to a computer.
Favourite. A favorite is a site that a user has stored to appear at back, by selecting’Add to Favourites’ .
FTP. File Transfer Protocol. This is a common procedure of concealing (see below) documents into your site.
Javascript. A language for composing’broadcasts’ on websites, that are little programs that make the website more interactive. Another common cause of problems for people.
JPEG. Joint Photographic Experts Group. This is the most popular format for images on the internet, called after the group that came up for its title. You ought to save them as JPEGs if you wish to put pictures on your site.
Hardware. Equipment is pc equipment that physically exists. It’s the opposite of software.
Hosting. Then you’ll be paying someone for hosting if you’ve got a site available on the Internet. It’s the service of creating your website available for people to see.
HTML. HyperText Markup Language. A kind of code used to suggest how web pages must be shown, employing a method of little’tags’. The’b’ label, for example, causes text to appear in bold, and also the’img’ label displays an image.
Hyperlink. A hyperlink is when a piece of text on a site may be clicked on to take you to a different website, or a different page on the same website. If clicking your email address allows anybody to email you your email address is a hyperlink.
Programming. This is when the computer is provided instructions all to do, using one of several’languages’. Programming languages for the web include Perl and PHP.
Server. The host is where your site is stored, and it is the server that people are linking to when they see the website. If someone tells you, for example, your server is’down’, it usually means your site is inaccessible. Be aware that server identifies both to this system’s hardware and applications.
Software. Programs that operate on the computer, or that make your site work. Microsoft Word is software, for example, as is Apache (the most popular web server software). Opposite of hardware.
Spider. Do not hesitate if a spider visits your site! Spiders are simply help them determine where it should look when people look and programs used by search engines to scan your website. As it means you should start appearing in search engines shortly, it is excellent to be visited by spiders.
Upload. This is when you transfer information from your computer to your site. For example, you may upload a post you’ve written, or even your logo. Opposite of download.
URL. Uniform Resource Locator. This is merely a brief method of stating’web address’, meaning that which you have to type in to get to your site. Called as’Earl’.
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