This is a fantastic suggestion from Touch For Health to assist you once you’re stressed, angry, nervous or upset. Consider holding your eminences. These are lumps when they are upset that many individuals hold.
For those who do not do so allow me to help you find them. Feel. Before it bends back towards the hairline, your brow comes outwards. Hold your brow in the points at which it’s receding – approximately 3cms (1.25 inches) above the middle of each brow.
As you hold these points consider the stressful event. It can be something that’s about to occur something that has happened, or something you dread may never occur! You need to find that the stress lessens.
You are able to use it for things, but you might use it also. Imagine you are seeing it, if the thoughts/images are too overwhelming – you can always turn it off if becomes too stressful – you are the one in charge. You’re able to observe it in black and white if this feels more easy also. Use it to defuse anything that you feel angry, stressed, stressed or fearful about.
You may want to do it several times covering various facets of the issue. You can do them one after the other, or at times, whichever feels better for you.
As you hold the points and believe about/imagine the event, you will likely begin to feel calmer – you may even find that you begin to feel somewhat bored thinking about this situation that angered you so much or previously stressed.
Does this work?
These particular points on the forehead, called frontal eminences, are reflex points with links with the central meridian (involved with the mind ), the stomach meridian (along with your gut frequently churns when you are stressed or upset ), along with the bladder meridian (excursions to the loo/bathroom are frequently essential when we are stressed ).
I explained this self-help technique to some business colleague – a mountain biker who’d had a bike accident in 30 miles an hour had split his skull and collar bone. He was now fearful of the game he loved, although his bones had repaired.
That is exactly what he wrote to me afterwards:
“I don’t understand how to thank you enough for the technique you described to me on the phone the other day, so it helped me enormously!”
The next week that he sent the message to me:
“Your suggestion worked once again – went out (in the pitch black with my Light&Motion’daylighter’ mild ) and did a severe single-tracking and also downhilling!!! I never thought I’d do that ! Thanks so It was brilliant!!!!!!!”
It might be tough to believe that something this simple could be effective in eliminating anxiety and stress, but try it and see.
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