BotNet called zombie network and community of bots is a group of computers that are used to send data such as viruses and spam into other computers on the internet. These actions are carried out by malicious programs without the knowledge of the users. These programs consist of viruses, Trojans and viruses. Infected computers are known as zombies or bots. Computers that are infected are private home internet PCs that are protected.
When a PC becomes part of a BotNet, it may be taught to perform virtually anything. It will become a drone that can’t withstand the commands of its master. In cases like this, the master is that the inventor of the malicious software (malware). Many Bots are used in propagation of viruses and spam. Malware is used for that may result in mass identity theft. Zombie computers may also be used for denial of service attacks in which many bots concurrently log thus surpassing the bandwidth of the server and popping it. This technique is very effective when the Botnet is big and comprises thousands of computers. While the malware botnets that were smaller lack this capacity, many innovative malware may spread themselves via email.
BotNets are programmed in such a manner they are difficult to find and analyze. Normally they get instructions from their founders through IRC (Internet Relay Channels). As of April 2008, the Kraken BotNet along with the Storm BotNet would be the BotNets in the world using an bots. Other BotNets are Rbot along with Bobax with an bots each.
The ideal approach to secure your computer is to frequently scan and update your antivirus and firewall software. Sensors known as’honeynets’ have been put up on the internet today nets mimic the features of computers using known security flaws in an effort to lure hackers into them and track down malware terrorists. It’s been recently quoted by Kaspersky Labs (founders of Kaspersky anti virus ) which botnets pose more of a threat to the online community than individual viruses and viruses.
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