Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

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I was always somebody who felt quite sorry for myself, what I had not got compared to my friends. I had been caught up to help me escape.

Through a day at work one day, aged roughly twenty one, a colleague I worked with started to speak to me. What he said was disturbing and rather upsetting would have a deep impact on my potential. He said :

“Your a depressive individual, aren’t you?”

“Can I?”

I said in a voice that was shocked as I thought I wasn’t any different to anyone else. He continued:

“Yes you’re You very seldom smile, you’re negative about most issues and you always seem to be carrying the world on your shoulders”.

This man was aged around fifty three and continued:

“I used to be just like you and I was given some guidance, of which I’m now going to relay to you. When you are feeling depressed, down or accountable for yourself, then read the papers or see the news. You will then realize that you’re in fact one of those lucky ones”

I listened and wondered what he had said. I had been watcher or a reader of the information, but decided to get started. The advice was right, the information from the world as well as my nation was quite shocking. I realised that I had to cherish everyday and start to check on the bright side of life and the anxieties I had were really quite insignificant.


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Written by sodiart
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