Am I Gay? I guess this really is a question a lot of young guys will have asked themselves throughout their adolescent years that are perplexing; it is one that every gay man will some time have had to tackle, also come to terms with about discovering the response that is authentic. Needless to say, there are the lucky ones – the majority – those folks for. They’re the folks who, by their appetite and artwork with the opposite gender, may have pioneered that question in heads. But not to be among that majority, not to have the identical desire for the opposite gender, does not immediately make anyone gay.
Times are changing gradually, perhaps too slowly, for most children still grow up in an overwhelmingly heterosexual universe – a world that may by its very presence from an early age have instilled expectations and preconceived notions in every boy’s thoughts – so should the time come that he reaches puberty, along with his senior years, and he also finds that those expectations are not being met as they are from his own friends, he becomes anxious. He starts to suspect that he is different to the mates that he grew up – and he is troubled by it. But issue is a word. At this phase of human evolution to suddenly be ranked and the peers could be devastating. The gnawing and questioning fears in a boy’s brain can remain closely guarded secrets – since they have to be.
Faced with this sense of being different men can react in many various ways. Only a few will cope with the problem easily. Some may become reclusive; some might turn to others; a few to drink and medication; and some could definitely turn towards criminal behavior to obtain their much needed kudos – but most will attempt to keep an act: an appearance of being absolutely”normal”. This act, and the feeling of a need to show themselves to their family members and friends, will often just exasperate the problem. And when their thoughts, thoughts they could think to be wrong or bad are entered by ideas for the sex, a sense of guilt can engulf them. It may be a time in the life of a man. It’s a time when a few might even have come to consider suicide – and that, purely the result of the failingsthe teachings and the hopes of some universe that is mostly ignorant, shouldn’t be!
The functioning of the sensual equipment, and also puberty, arrives at different times for different people. There’s not anything wrong or negative about being a developer – people who had a bad start win races. And even once everything is found to be in working order, it is quite normal for your own feelings as well as the needs that arrive on this time to become”odd”, to say the least! The explosion of hormones that the body needs to attempt to generate some sense out fascinations bring forth very strange urges, and attractions. At this time it is not unusual for people who will soon be”normal” heterosexual guys to possess”a crush” on someone of the identical sex. It might be a schoolmaster; it might be a friend – it might be anyone, there aren’t any principles, and it might not only be the one person – it may be too many. There’s not anything wrong, and this is not the time to fear one’s sexual orientationa time to consider its possibilities.
For they’ve had no groundwork that life can deal out. Such is the neglecting of societyfor around one in ten men will prove to be homosexual, and around one in five men will at any time have sex. Each one of these folks will be some parent’s son. They are the son of anyone. All these are facts that could be difficult to accept by a few folks, but to life they are the”normal”.
Sexual orientation is not hereditary, but neither can it be instilled by hyperactivity, corruption, lifestyle or by any means – and it most, or assert, no matter what anyone can tell you definitely cannot be altered. It’s what you are. Could it be to be any different in a heterosexual society, and with few homosexual individuals reproducing, by before now there would have been left on the planet. Nevertheless, it is an established fact that people in the world’s percentage has varied little throughout most history, and though we may not know the reason for this, nature has seen fit to keep this status quo.
We now arrive at the crunch question: how exactly can I know whether I am gay? I suppose the easy answer is – you know. But you need to wait till those hormones have settled down a little before asking the question. After that has occurred the sexual appetite and urges will probably be better fed and nourished from the ideas and fantasies of either one or another of the two sexes. Crudely put: anything causes you to”cum” that the simplest and the top will give you the response. For only a couple individuals this could be equivalent, or it could alternate continuously throughout their lifetimes, and they are that which we term as being: bisexual.
Gay, bisexual or straight, it matters not – you’re youand you’re unique. Whatever sexuality you might be, no two individuals are ever exactly the same – not even identical twins. Be proud of who and what you are, and if you find that you’re homosexual or bisexual afterward bear in mind that that is rather normal in the wonderful scheme of things, it is just a few areas of society that still have a issue with this – and that the issue is theirs, not yours.
Among the biggest mysteries on earth now is why a few individuals have a issue with another person’s sexuality when you consider the names that there have been. Excellent emperors, kings, war-lords, painters, authors, musicians, musicians, composers, pop fans, style gurus, astrologers, philosophers, architects, engineers as well as many, many others enjoying pride of place in background are homosexual or bisexual – the list is practically unlimited, and it includes a pope or 2! These folks were never jeopardized by their sexual orientation – .
Judy Garland is still reputed to have said:”Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” There may be no better advice. Another quote I adore came in the late, great, and still sadly overlooked Dusty Springfield:”My sexuality has never been a problem for me personally but I believe it was for other folks.”
There’s not anything at all wrong with being homosexual, however it will come that heterosexuals do not need to confront. There’s the homosexual scene – recognized to be notoriously promiscuous – and it is what a homosexual person will be considered being part of many uninformed folks that are heterosexual, although it is representative of less than a quarter of homosexual people. Then there’s the whole”coming out” saga. Should you come out on the job, to friends members and relatives, to all and sundry, or perhaps do it at all? Facing up to this dilemma could be traumatic for some people – and everything you finally choose as being very best for you personally, even staying”in the closet”, it won’t be without any implications. These problems I will cover in posts – look out for these!
– Michael.
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