Amazing Advertising Tips

advertising tips
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Chapter 1

1 Tell your audience what kind of support they’ll get after they buy. It could be free consulting, tech support, free servicing, etc. This may also answer some of their buying questions ahead of time. People don’t want to buy products without knowing you will be there to help if they have problems.

TIP! One of the key aspects of online marketing is utilizing social networking for your gains. There is a huge field of opportunities that comes from the exposure and connections of social networks, but getting on the inside can prove to be a more difficult task than traditional advertising.


2 Ask people at the end of your copy why they decided not to buy. This will give you new ideas on how to produce ad copy that’s more profitable. Have a web form or e-mail link in place so they can answer you. You may find out they don’t like your guarantee or graphics. It could be anything.

3 Think of ways to get your site or business in the the news. You could sponsor a fundraiser, break a world record, hold a major event, etc. Simply write a press release about what you’ve accomplished, then send it to media outlets that cater to your target audience.

TIP! It is always best to not spam anyone. People hate it when they see spam, so avoid making yourself unlikeable and don’t spam your followers.


4 Hold a contest on your web site. Give other web sites the option of offering it to their visitors. This’ll multiply your advertising all over the Internet. It would become a viral contest. Of course the contest must either be ongoing or held regularly so you could allow other online publishers to offer it to their visitors or subscribers.

5 Tell your potential customers that your ordering system is highly secure. Also reassure them that you take every effort to protect them. People want to feel they are safe online. They want to know that you care about their well-being. Tell them all about what you currently do for them to make them feel more secure.

TIP! Encourage authentic buzz about your product by monitoring how many times your company is mentioned on social networking sites. If you can add your own testimonials and blog posts to those of satisfied customers, you can add to the snowball effect from word-of-mouth advertising.


Chapter 2

TIP! In this new age of technology it is not a good idea to rely on traditional methods of advertising your property. While newspapers are still an option, it is a much better idea to have your property listed on many internet sites, since a lot of people rely on the computer for so much.


6 Carry business cards with you wherever you go. Have your web address printed on them. You can hand them out to anyone you meet. Just think of all the people you meet on a regular basis: grocery clerks, post office workers, bag boys, family members, friends, salesmen/women, etc.

7 Contact national radio stations to ask them if they are looking for guest speakers. Tell them your area of expertise; maybe they’ll book you for a show. Of course you would want to contact targeted stations and shows which would want to know more about you and your area of expertise.

TIP! Advertising plays a huge role in internet marketing. Make sure you advertise your business in any way possible.


8 Join clubs related to your area of business. You could trade leads with other businesses. Learn new ways to run your business and sell your products. You could also create your own online business club. You could provide private chat rooms, message boards, articles, etc.

9 Think of a domain name for your web site that’s easy to remember. It should be related to what your business does, sells or provides. If there aren’t any business names available, use your actual birth name. You could  at least brand yourself. Your own name will give you credibility.

TIP! People these days are not looking to buy things that they think are much too difficult to use. If you use the word “easy” a lot in the course of you advertising you are assuring the purchaser that he or she will not have difficulty using your product in any way.


10 Position your web site at the top of pay-per-click search engines. You will only pay your set amount for each click-through you get to your web site. Just make sure your profits will pay for your advertising cost. If they won’t, maybe you could share a web site with another related business and split the costs.


TIP! Ask major companies to add your link to their site, this will make you more credible. When visitors see big names next to your own, they tend to make associations and will transfer trust between names.

Chapter 3

11 Allow your visitors or customers to increase your traffic or sales. Ask them how you can improve your business, web site or product. You can ask them at your web site, in your e-zine, on your message board, in your chat room, in your guest book, in your product packages, etc.

TIP! Include a link on each and every page of your site that would allow people to share any information they like with their friends via email or on social networking sites. Allowing users to do that is essentially advertising for no cost at all.


12 Team up with other e-zines that have the same target audience. Combine subscriber bases and then publish one e-zine together to increase subscribers. You could all include your ads and announcements in the e-zine. You could also take turns for the top advertising space.

13 Swap endorsement advertisements with other web sites. Endorsement ads usually pull more sales and traffic than regular advertisements. People have taught themselves to ignore advertisements because they see hundreds of them every day. Endorsements usually don’t look or sound like normal ads.

TIP! Make sure you keep a close eye on what advertising campaigns are making you money and which ones are not. It is a waste of money to continue to pour money into multiple campaigns when the reality is that some of them are not bringing you any results at all.


14 Outsource part of your workload to save time and money. You can spend more of your time and money promoting your business. You’ll save money on employee costs, space costs, training costs, etc. Keep the work you enjoy doing to keep you motivated and ship out the work you don’t like.

15 Include a signature file on all the e-mails you send out. Provide your business name, phone number, e-mail and web address, etc. Also include a brief blurb for your business or the product you’re selling. For example, you could say, “How To Wash Your Car In Two Minutes or Less!”

TIP! Purchase advertising space from other newsletters and sites that are relevant to the niche of your products. Make sure before doing so that the target audience is one you want to reach by finding out who their subscribers are and how they acquired them.


Chapter 4

TIP! Make sure that the audience for your website are really people who are interested in your product. Your internet marketing strategies may drive traffic to your site, but turnover is more important than visitors.


16 Use pictures or graphics on your web site that support the product you’re selling. They could give your visitors a clearer vision of your product, the benefits of the product, people’s emotion when they own the product, etc. You could also use ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures.

17 Create a friendly, long-term relationship with all your customers. Practice good customer service and follow-up with them on a regular basis. You could follow-up with gifts, greeting cards, free things, coupons, special offers, reminders, your e-zine, helpful advice, etc.

TIP! One key to internet marketing is ads. You can post an ad for your company or product on websites that are about something similar.


18 Create strategic alliances with other web sites. You could exchange banner ads, sell each other’s products as back-end products, cross-promote, etc. You could also create a web site together and promote it on your separate web sites. You would both just split the costs and profits.

19 Increase the perceived value of your product to skyrocket your sales. Add on free bonuses, after- sale services or an affiliate program. Other factors that would help are: your own domain name, a professional web design, a good-looking product graphic and persuasive ad copy.

TIP! One of the best ways to get free advertising is by offering a sample of your product. Even if you have a product like an ebook, you could always offer the first chapter free.


20 Give customers a discount on their total order to increase sales. You could give them a discount for ordering over a set dollar or product amount. For example, you could say, “Buy over $39 worth of products and get a 20% discount on your order!” Another example, “Get a 15% discount if you order 3 or more products!”


TIP! When you send out your regular periodical materials, make sure you attach digital goodies along with it. If you make this an interactive advertisement and enable your customers to share it with others, this produces free advertising exposure for you on a constant basis.

Chapter 5

21 Allow your visitors to reprint the content on your web site. Just ask them to include your resource box and a link to your site in exchange. This will turn your content into a traffic machine and the external links will help increase your ranking in some search engines.

TIP! If your website is suffering from lagging load times, make your website faster by employing more button advertising. Text links are also a useful and descriptive way of offering advertising space as well.


22 Provide a free contest or sweepstake at your web site. It’s a fact, people like to win things. If you can fulfill that need, people will visit. You can alsoattract them to revisit by holding one every week or month. You could also start an opt-in list for people who enter your contest or sweepstake so you can follow-up with them regularly.

23 Save time and money by using ad submitters. You will reach a larger part of your target audience far more quickly than by manually submitting your ad. You should manually submit your ad to the most popular web sites so you have a better chance of being listed or placed in a good position.

24 Create a good first impression. You will not be able to sell very many products if your visitors think your web site looks unprofessional. Use crisp graphics, attractive color combinations, a readable text size, even spacing, even margins, bold headlines, indent benefits, etc.

25 Stop procrastinating and start finishing all your business tasks. Do one at a time. Don’t get caught up thinking that you can never get them all done. Make a list. Do the easiest or most crucial one first and move down the list. Cross off each task as you complete it.

TIP! For your next promotion, consider advertising an incentive in which customers qualify by spending over a certain specified dollar amount. The incentive can be anything.


Chapter 6

TIP! Show enthusiasm in your advertising. Convince potential customers that you’re excited about what you have to share with them, and they will become excited too.


26 Develop a relationship with all your visitors and customers. Tell them how much you appreciate them visiting your web site or buying your product. Invite them to online and offline events like free chat room classes, parties, dinner gatherings, business events, etc.

27 Hire a business coach to help improve you and your business. That could help increase your sales, motivate you, balance your workload, etc. It would be like renting an extra brain. You would have double the thinking power.

TIP! Consider ending your advertising copy on your homepage with a promotional discount that encourages people to read it. Hide an answer to a question about your product in promotional material, and have the person write the answer in your promotional code box upon checkout.


28 Stay away from being too comfortable with your income or life. You should always be making new goals for yourself and developing new sales ideas. The world keeps changing and if you pause too long, you might miss out. You only live once.

29 Make sure you don’t become a workaholic. Your mind needs time away from your business life. This will help your brain think clearly while working. The best time to get profitable ideas is when you’re not thinking about them. They just pop into your brain

TIP! Emphasize the importance of your product in your advertising. Use emphatic and grandiose language without being completely over the top.


30 Create and follow short/long-term goals for your business. The short-term goals can create early success and the long-term goals can create future success. Design each goal so they all add up to your ultimate goal. Don’t make your goals too unrealistic otherwise depression and frustration could move you farther away from them.

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