New Hubble pics – how thrilling! The newest of this Hubble pics is as being in need of a house made of a black hole, and they’ve captioned.
To get these new Hubble pics a group of astronomers, all from Europe, together with the energy of the Hubble Space Telescope with that of the VLT (Very Large Telescope at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Cerro Paranal.
The Hubble telescope pics are of a quasar which doesn’t have any host galaxy that is discernible. The pics that are new reveal quasars, powerful radiation sources. Since they know that quasars are associated with active black holes the astronomers honed to study them. Just one of the many quasars they discovered delivered a hole . The new Hubble telescope pics.
Other pics show the other quasars these European astronomers discovered. Using its large spiraling tendrils you can plainly observe the host galaxy of the black hole in one.
In the past ten years that the issue getting Hubble telescope pics of black holes has been that the quasar shines which observers get pics of, or can’t always see the black hole and its own galaxy. This issue has been resolved now so brand fresh Hubble telescope pics of host galaxies are all possible.
With the latest observation of 20 quasars, 19 were found to get host galaxies. One did not. What this signifies is that if the host galaxy really does exist just have a radius that is at least 20 times smaller compared to many host galaxies, or it needs to be no more than a the brightness of conventional host galaxies. Are being analyzed now.
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