America’s Spiritual History: The Impulse That Gave Birth To A Nation

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In the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a person to assert its right to freely exist as an independent society, unhampered by restrictions by a political authority that is far away and that doesn’t have its best interests in mind, then it behooves that culture also that people to express, in words which are clear and powerful, the explanations for its elimination from the jurisdiction which it has labored under. This removal, rather than having an act of provocation and defiance, is a procedure of self-affirmation and of motion toward a future where the governed will govern society and their own communities, and where the voice of these people will be observed.

There can be no government without this kind of representation without this sort of stream between government and governed, and to this end the Republic of the United States of America has to seek to distinguish itself from the ruling jurisdiction of Britain, whose heritage, culture, function, and expectations are very different from our own, and who, in the view of several, hold and attempt to perpetuate policies which are deleterious to the wellbeing of the newly-founded communities of this young Republic.

We request that the people of the planet who observe this time with us, justly and to rest assured that we are not making a statement against monarchy or against every other kind of rulership or direction that works effectively to serve the specific requirements of the folks. We are stating an inherent principle firmly, clearly, and with specific intention, namely, that authorities needs to proceed with the consent of the governed to be able to be just, and also that the procedure for representation of those who are governed by those whom they choose to represent them would be a vital and critical part of almost any just and secure society.

We request that the people of the world to recognize our burgeoning attempts at self-government and self-representation, so that we could create, so that we could join together with other individuals in common purpose. The fact that we are found and therefore are an offshoot of a nation with a joyful and fantastic history, doesn’t follow that we must be identified solely with those ancient roots. Instead , we seek to be identified in our provisions to what we could offer to others in this stage in time, and also what others can offer us. We extend our hands in friendship to the individuals of the world who seek justice and liberty to their own societies and individuals, and announce that we will not rest, we will not lower our progressing interest in liberty and justice, till every citizen of this recently established Republic of America will believe that they are adequately represented in a government of their own choosing, and that their voice can and will likely be observed. It is only by bringing supreme authority of choice to the people who are governed that a genuinely democratic society may exist, and it is with this aim in mind that we put forth those principles now, which will henceforth be called the Declaration of Independence.

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