Are celebrities happy?

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Before we start asking if the celebrities are happy, let’s first learn what is happiness? If I feel good for an hour per day, and horrible for the rest of the day, am I happy? What if I’m happy for eight hours a day and horrible for the remainder of the two hours? Can I be a happy person? For most of us pleasure is a state which isn’t permanent. We aren’t happy through the day. At most us aren’t.

What is happiness? Happiness means a sense of profound contentment. A cheerful outlook. An attitude of positive ideas. A person who has these qualities is happy during all the times of their day.

How about actors then? They have reputation, fame and wealth. They could, not only purchase whatever they need, but they can also purchase a loved one. They could purchase anything. Their title is splashed around in the media the majority of the times. Every news about them is awaited by the overall population. Stars may not have been born with a silver spoon in the moutharea, but the current spoon is mostly that of gold. So they must be happy!

But regrettably, happiness is away from most of them. Speaking of bliss, the majority of them are not just not feeling any bliss, but are frustrated. They’re jealous occasionally. And they don’t have any profound sense of peace in them. Rather their life and minds are full of turbulence the majority of the times. They’re sometimes so dissatisfied with their own life they wish to run from themselves. This they cannot do, and so substances that take them from their own realities are so often employed by them.

Happiness has something to do with money, but only to an extent. Happiness has nothing to do with fame, if you aren’t happy with yourself. Whatever the world may say, unless you has self-esteem, an individual can never be happy. All of us sail in precisely the same boat. The majority of us are living miserable lives the majority of the time. Let’s get happiness that provides us a happy sense of living. Let us strive for happiness in our own inner world.

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