Asthma can be terrifying, whether it’s a loved one or it’s you that is affected. You should know that asthma can be horrible to deal with, make sure you can deal with it. A better understanding of asthma combined with the following asthma management advice can dramatically reduce the instance of asthma attacks.
Learn what triggers your asthma so that you can avoid it. This could be something you’re allergic to like pollen or dust. For others, physical activities can cause them. Pay attention to what causes your attacks so you can prevent them from happening.
Be aware of certain medications that can lead to asthma problems. Some anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, can flare up asthma symptoms. This can also be caused by beta blockers, like medications that are used in managing high blood pressure or heart problems. It is important to let your doctor know if you suffer from asthma together with any of these conditions.
When you are dealing with asthma, try getting a lekotriene inhibitor. It works to prevent leukotrienes. Inhibiting this chemical can lead to a decrease in asthma symptoms. By blocking the effects of leukotrienes, a leukotriene inhibitor can reduce the frequency and severity of your asthma attacks.
Learn how to properly use your inhaler. A lot of people use inhalers improperly, so be sure that you’re adhering to the manufacturer’s suggested instructions. The only way the inhaler will work is if your lungs get the proper amount of medication. Spray the required dosage into your mouth while inhaling air. Continue holding your breath for approximately 10 seconds. This way, the medication will soak into the cells of your lungs.
Talk to a social worker if you have asthma and no health insurance. Affording asthma medication is important for handling the illness, and social workers can find places the offer the medicine at low costs.
Immune System
If you suffer from asthma, make sure that you consume enough Vitamin C and Vitamin E. These vitamins help to control asthma symptoms and improve the function of your lungs. Either find a good vitamin supplement to take, or change your diet to include more foods rich in Vitamins E and C. Vitamins C and E are necessary for a healthy immune system. If your immune system isn’t healthy, it won’t be able to fight off illnesses that cause asthma attacks.
If you suffer from asthma, don’t expose yourself to secondhand smoke. Inhaling smoke from tobacco products can compromise your lung function, which then makes you more susceptible to an attack. The risk of an attack from cigarette smoke is increased as the space you are in decreases.
People who have asthma should avoid using scented household products. Products with a strong smell such as air fresheners, incense or perfume can trigger asthma attacks. Fresh paint and new carpeting can also irritate the airway. As much as possible, try to keep your home filled with fresh, pure air.
You should understand what triggers your asthma attacks in order for you to avoid these causes or prepare yourself for managing your symptoms. Asthma sufferers generally have different triggers in common like pollen, pet dander and smoke. Whenever you can, just steer clear of these triggers when you know what they would result in.
Asthma Attacks
When it’s colder, wear a shawl, scarf or muffler that will cover your mouth and nose to avoid asthma attacks. This will warm the air before it gets in your lungs. Breathing cold air triggers your asthma attacks, particularly in young kids with bad asthma.
Keep track of the number of times per week you use your rescue inhaler. It is possible that your asthma may be out of control or that there are extenuating circumstances that are exacerbating your condition. The frequency of your inhaler usage should remind you to monitor the environmental conditions around you and other issues relating to the way you manage your asthma.
If you experience an asthma attack, stay calm. You should use your inhaler immediately upon the first signs of an attack. Once you have used it, use it again 30 seconds later. If the inhaler does not provide immediate help, get medical help right away. Go to the hospital immediately or call 911. Try breathing into a paper bag in order to slow down your breathing while on the way to the hospital.
If you suffer from asthma attacks, familiarize yourself with how to properly use your inhaler. It’s not enough to spray a little into your mouth and breathe softly. Every time you spray the inhaler, be sure to breathe the mist in deeply and hold it for a a few moments. The medicine will not be able to do its job if you aren’t taking the time to take it the right way.
Rescue Inhaler
If you use your rescue inhaler more than two times a week, see a doctor to have your medication adjusted. Frequent use of the rescue inhaler means that your management medicine is not working as it should. Similarly, if you need to purchase refill inhalers more than twice a year, your medication is ineffective.
Don’t skimp on vitamin B6. Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 has been demonstrated to reduce the number of asthma attacks in various studies. Through this research, it has been proven that pyridoxine helps produce molecules that aid in relaxing the bronchial tissue. Bananas are a great-tasting source of vitamin B6.
The best way to avoid having an asthma attack is to know what your trigger are. Consider keeping a journal to help you identify possible asthma triggers and discuss the results with your doctor. Once you know your triggers, do what you can to eliminate them from where you are, as much as possible.
As was earlier stated, there is plenty of information you have to know about asthma. This article contains just a sampling of hints that are helpful for managing asthma, or to help a friend or family member with the disease. Follow all directions given by your doctor and use prescription medications exactly according to the manufacturers instructions. This can reduce asthma’s impact on your life.
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