Content is king. You’ve probably heard that a thousand times but it’s accurate. Why writing articles is one of the most used Internet advertising media now, that is. Its also among the most abused advertising and marketing methods.
The internet advertising craze started picking up with the introduction of FFA (Free For ALL) sites. These sites let you to submit your link or ad, which rotated off the page since links were submitted. Scores of people rushed to FFA sites and started submitting their ads After this process of advertising became known. Developers devised ways to automate the process of submitting links to hundreds of websites within seconds, causing them to develop into. Links will rotate the page off within this resulted in prevalence and the downturn of those and seconds.
Was exchanges and banner ads. People covered their websites with banner ads, heard how to cheat surfers and exchanges started to train their eyes to ignore them entirely. Consequently, picture advertising also became unsuccessful.
Page creation was also an issue as as a means to draw in the search engines packed with key words to maximize their page rank thousands of people started to create portals. Gateway page generators automated the process of creating those pages and they sprang up throughout the net. This fad also became because of abuse in addition to the introduction of search engine spiders that were smarter.
The latest moneymaking trend is Google Adwords. Webmasters found how easy it was to make income by stuffing their websites with articles that was useless so as to gain from qualitative advertising once advertisements grew in popularity. The automation monster appeared again making it easy to submit content to hundreds of articles websites.
PLR membership websites. PLR content known as Private Label Rights articles or public domain articles, provide people that are too lazy to compose their own content using a means sell some of their goods in the process and hopefully to acquire back links to their own site.
Search engines have begun penalizing internet sites for content. In response, new applications have been created which randomize paragraphs and change phrases within an article to make them distinctive enough to bypass the duplicate content filters. So now we have automated post creation?
Publishers are starting to recognize the different methods of post misuse and its getting more difficult to get articles. As editors start tiring of attempting to keep up with this large influx of articles that are clearly written for the only aim of gaining link popularity or to advertise affiliate links, we will see informative directories closed down.
Is automation really the monster ? I believe not!
Article submission is a excellent tool for submitting articles to a number of websites that provide it is used. So whats the issue?
Greed and laziness easy and simple.
Automation enables writers to publish their articles easily and quickly, freeing up more time to compose content that is original. The issue comes from those who are always searching for a shortcut to making money, instead of to work to this.
Article promotion abuse will reach its peak as FFA websites, banner advertising and gateway pages did. As another passing fad and publishers are going to be able to provide quality articles to their visitors more Finally we will look at personal label articles. For the time being, we can only wait until another advertising option is found by those expecting to become rich quick to automate and abuse.
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