Augusto Pinochet, President of Chile, born 1915

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After seizing power in a damn coup, General Augusto Pinochet ruled Chile with a rod of iron.

Hailing from an upper-middle course background, Pinochet entered the military academy at Santiago at age 18, graduating three decades later as a lieutenant. From 1968 he had climbed to the rank of brigadier general.

Back in 1970, Salvador Allende became president of Chile with the financing of the Christian Democrats, also started coordinating society. In the method he expropriated that the US-owned copper-mining companies, alienating international investors and the US authorities. By establishing relations Washington annoyed. As a result, America imposed tough economic sanctions and the CIA spent countless dollars destabilising that the Allende regime.

From 1972, the market had failed. With no investment, production had come to a standstill. There were civil unrest, inflation, food shortages and strikes. Pinochet staged a military coup on 11 September 1973. It was bloody even by Latin American standards. While the military surrounded the presidential palace in Santiago, the navy seized the crucial port of Valparaiso. Allende refused to step down. After the palace had been overrun a couple of hours afterwards, he had been found dead. It appears that he took himself rather than face inevitable torture and performance.

A junta took over and declared marital law. Were shot on sight. Pinochet was called president. He broke off relations with Cuba Nixon had staged his most rapprochement after which and proceeded against Allendes fans. Some 14 000 are tried and executed or expelled in the nation, while Pinochet maintained he was just attempting to restore institutional normality of Chile.

Back in June 1974 Pinochet assumed energy that was sole, with the remaining part of the junta. Beneath Pinochets tyrannical principle, it’s projected that 20 000 people were killed and torture was prevalent.
He had been rejected by means of a plebiscite in 1988 Even though Pinochet continued to keep tight control over the political resistance. He stepped down in 1990 after immunity. He stayed on as military chief of staff. But on a warrant, he had been arrested during a shopping trip to London in October 1998. He was later accused of human rights offenses and torture. He battled with his extradition during the British courts, then in January 2000, Home Secretary Jack Straw sent him back and then decided he was too ill to stand trial.

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