Auschwitz was the most infamous of the Nazi labour camps in WWII. There, a man or woman may expect at any moment used for medical experiments, to be sent to the gas chambers or contributed a phenol injection. They would instead be used under the most rigorous conditions for labor, if lucky.
A selection committee determined who’d be used for experiments and who was fit for labour or exterminated. One’physician’ drew an arbitrary height line of some child who was not tall enough was delivered to the gas chambers and 5 feet two inches .
Upon arriving at Auschwitz, many were shipped right. For this reason records do not exist for all.
The terms they suffered and their suffering were beyond view. Folks would tell each other lies to give trust. “The allies also have now landed in Greece”. The response was that they would be rescued shortly. You will find many different stories concocted to keep another from utter despair.
After Auschwitz was shut along with the inmates released still no reckoning was there. One searched down through the last few years and brought to account for their offenses the Nazis one.
The timing of Nazi Germany has stopped. There exists forced labour camps in China while Holocaust survivors reside. Have we learned nothing?
The labour camps in China are used to harm those that the Communist Party does not like. They’re also used to try to break the will and spirit of people who exercise the meditation practice of Falun Gong.
From such camps the Communist Party derives a source of free labour. The products are exported across the world for profit and consumption. Similar to the Nazi camps, these nightmarish dens of horror are a source of torture, suffering and death. Are they tolerated? Is not it time that they removed and are dismantled?
The famous poet Elie Wiesel, himself that an Auschwitz survivor, needed to say”I needed to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”
This was said by simon Wiesenthal, another labour camp survivor who helped bring Nazi criminals to justice. “For your own benefit, learn from your own tragedy. It isn’t a law that is written that the upcoming victims have to be Jews. In addition, it can be other individuals. Individuals from over twenty other countries were murdered, although we found it start in Germany with all Jews. I said to myself when I started this job, I’ll search for the murderers of all the victims, not just the victims. I’ll fight for justice.”
The Communist Party is accountable for using forced labour camps that house Chinese citizens today. To do this would be to ignore the lessons of the past as well as the suffering of the current. Is not it time to talk?
Telephone a Chinese embassy or even official and let them know what you think of their forced labor camps. Tell them to halt the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Do not stay silent.
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