Benefits And Importance Of Ashtanga Namaskar – Part III

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We have known benefits and the importance of the six Ashtanga Namaskar Poses. We will conclude the Ashtanga Namaskar Yoga Asana chain with the remaining asanas.

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Inhale – Om Hiranayagarbhaaya Namah

Benefits: This asana is quite useful to keep your back in the fittest position. The region becomes powerful and nimble. This asana helps in developing a healthy circulation. It tones your body as well as the nerves. Your digestion is enhanced. It hastens your liver as well as massages the kidneys. The male and female reproductive system enhances. Irregular menstrual cycle problems are rectified too. With the rising blood circulation your face gives a appearance.

8. Parvatasana
Exhale – Om Mareechibhyoh Namaha

Benefits: This asana is exactly the same asana that you do from the No.5 position Parvatasana. In strengthening shoulders and your arms Just like a mountain it helps. Your back becomes due to the elongation of the spinal column. This is a superior asana for individuals with raising waist-line as well as bulging bellies. Any problem with the gut can be enhanced.

9. Ashwa-sanchalan-asana
Inhale -Om Adityaaya Namaha

This asana is exactly the identical asana that you do in the No.4 spot Ashwa-sanchalan-asana. This pose is for massaging your inner organs quite helpful. Your leg muscles have been strengthened creating a equilibrium. It impacts your mind as it helps it to stay calm and steady. Routine exercise can erases problems.

10. Pada Hastana
Exhale – Om Savitre Namaha

Benefits: This asana is exactly the same asana that you do in the No.3 spot Pada Hastana. Having problems with your finger or feet? This asana makes it possible to correct it. Your gut and your digestive tract are free from any complication. The bending of your chest helps your chest. Arms and hands become more powerful too.

11. Hasta Uttanasana
Inhale – Om Arkaaya Namaha

Benefits: This asana is exactly the same asana that you do from the No.2 position i.e Hasta Uttanasana. Stretching and the lifting of the arms assists the muscles in your arms. Your shoulder becomes powerful and elastic. Your digestion enhances while also still stretching, since it disrupts the lungs. It is a good remedy to eliminate weight. Your vision is improved by this tremendously.

12. Pranamasana
Exhale – Om Bhaaskaraaya Namah

Benefits: This asana is exactly the same asana that you do from the No.1 position Pranamasana. This posture clams your nerves since your body eases and lets you have a feeling of equilibrium.

Ashtanga Namaskar asana ends with the same asana as we’d begun with i.e Pranamasana.

Caution: while trying to perform any of these asanas, The reader of this report ought to work out all precautions. If you suffer from any health problems consult with your physician and your yoga teacher before attempting the asanas. The duty lies with the reader and also never with the writer or the website.

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