Bin Laden Releases Another Audiotape: Hideout Too Dark For Video

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Apparently, not able to contain his enthusiasm for bumming from the comparatively pleasant and unsuspecting folks who make up a lot of the Western World, the misinformed medievalist has introduced a second drearily threatening audiotape. Since the joint political, military, and intelligence sources of the civilized world cannot find the potato thoughts, we suggest the audiotape be obtained as an opportunity to arrest him.

Here is how. Somebody buys the a movie camera along with lights that are battery-powered. Since he long delighted to display his real self and provide voice to his lamentable disjunction with informed thought, we suppose he isn’t now in possession of a movie camera or that he is hunkered down in a hideout which is too dark to take anything but firearms.

It cannot be that he’s fearful that a movie will disclose his place, since he has the choice of hanging exactly the exact identical type of chintzy drape behind him which his first second in medieval misguidance, Aman al-Zawahiri, uses when he comes from the cave long enough for his eyes to adjust to the light to make an inflammatory movie, with, weve discovered, production values which are on roughly precisely exactly the exact identical level as a commercial for a discount chain thats unable to find foothold in a Mexican border town.

The sole real problem is, upon receipt of this equipment, OBL must agree to make a movie about directions to his hideout. To lengthen his short lived celebrity, he can even send it . The press will be wild for it.

We do not understand why he will not accept this prospect for the worldwide screen of his long-cramped self love, as, at last accounts , he only had four sisters, and, if he believes his own mortal dumb preachments, then he goes to the heaven of his sanity and misguided imagination, he can have twenty-seven virgins.

Naturally, we must interject that any person with four sisters who would consider having twenty-seven virgins as a good time has done very little reflection about what its really like to have four partners and has exceedingly little expertise with virgins.

He or she neednt be excessively concerned about those impossible complications, but as, as linguistic analysis has sometime ago revealed, the Arabic word for virgin might also mean grape, based on whether or not it occurs with a grave. It appears that, in the particular context where he’s applied it to guarantee the prepared suicide of person but marginally more imbecilic emanations from The Dark Ages, the significance is 27 grapes. So the mad, mad Muslims slammed in to our World Trade Center that was, in actuality, a treasure of the human race, built to ease worldwide economic proficiency and growth and incinerated nearly three million of our cherished, hard-working and relatively normal individuals did it to reap fanciful rewards they might have picked up in a fruit market.

Meanwhile, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, his lackey whos not even an alcoholic, failed his boss into absentia just yet another greater. Spiffily appeared in black because a trendy enemy of humankind, he rattled on using the same ill-informed drivel that he along with his mentor have both become wanted for, even by their own people.

Ah, just what a cost we must cover the deadly duo of ignorance and backwardness! Witness the unconscionable bombing at the Egyptian resort of Dahab, apparently timed to accompany OBLs latest audio-only pontification.

How do those who don’t have any feeling for their fellow human beings expect anyone to do anything however excoriate and execute them? Somebody should let them know that fellow-feeling is truly the major sentiment which makes the human race worthy of its own continuance on this blessed however blighted earth.

In terms of OBL, when will a few real-life Indiana Jones find out where he’s hiding, so we are able to eventually offer the insect his late rest?

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