Breathing: The Way Back to Balance

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Change your mind, if you really dont like whats happening on your life.

This quotation from the Dalai Lama reminds me like I do that my experience of lifestyle changes. As I change, I change how I sway – and’m influenced by – my surroundings.

Now, are you inventing your own life? How can the direction you think affect your actions? And how might you become conscious of the procedure?

There is A centering breath somewhere to begin.

When you are anxious, in battle, or under pressure, do you hold your own breath? The majority of people do. When you prevent the normal flow of air, you become tense and unbalanced, emotionally and physically. Your body, mind and spirit are disconnected.

Among the methods to regain your equilibrium would be to begin breathing again. Open your throat, unwind your body and allow inspiration to happen. Inspirationa term, isn’t it? Your breath is your life energy that connects to strength, resources and wisdom.

A good approach to practice centering would be to detect how frequently you hold your own breath. The consciousness will trigger you to begin breathing again. The longer you notice, the less you are going to hold your breath, also the more relaxed and focused you will be. Try it. And let me know what happens!

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