British Aikido Board National Nepotism Seminar

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The British Aikido Board
Disastrous National Nepotism Seminar 2004 99 Students
From Henry Ellis Co-author of Positive Aikido.

( BAB Founder member – now resigned )

For many years The British Aikido Board ( BAB ) have shown no interest what-so-ever from the real history of British Aikido, to be fair to the BAB, they have in the recent past shown a fantastic deal of interest and support for the false history of British Aikido for which they have now publicly apologised, the apology to Henry Ellis by the chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter imagined left, can be viewed on this site.

Kenshiro Abbe Sensei 1915 – 1985. .

He brought with him the understanding of many Budo arts, Aikido being one of 27, After Kenshiro Abbe Sensei turned on British soil at 1955. Abbe Sensei attracted his Aikido based philosophy of Kyu-Shin-Do. This was the beginning of British Aikido. Yet no where in the BAB literature are you going to find any mention to Kenshiro Abbe Sensei by Aikido’s origins over the united kingdom. In the year 2000 the BAB were pleased to help promote Mr Pooles established fraudulent promises to 47 yrs of Aikido, I am plesaed to include that the BAB have taken this claim by Mr Poole from the BAB Interactions information site. I received my invitation in the BAB to attend Mr Pooles occasion, that was the beginning of the British Aikido Board Controversy that was resolved at the mediation meeting 6th July 2005 . Yet regrettably, the BAB have never recognised or encouraged the true history of its founder Kenshiro Abbe Sensei or British Aikido. The cause of this guide is that after the achievement of the great Kenshiro Abbe Sensei Celebrations 14th May 2005 I am informed that the BAB program a similar event next year that would be a insult to the memory of Abbe Sensei and to the couple of Abbe Sensei lead learners.

It should be pointed out that the spate of strikes around the credibilty of British Aikido History – Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and Henry Ellis have all come from inside the BAB, a few are executive members along with notable members of the British Aikido Board associations. These are the very people that the BAB members might like to promote and protect their lineage that is proud. Below are a number of examples.

One: Ms Shirley Timms the British Aikido Boards secretary, totally dismissed the facts-photos-evidence from Mr Jack Poole’s fictitious history that were personally handed to her by Henry Ellis, before Mr Poole being presented with his enviable bronze samurai statue in Oct 2000.

2: Mr Toni Davies the BAB chairman, intentionally lied to safeguard Mr Poole history. Read the Sport England meeting moments.

Three: Mr Vincent Sumpter The BAB chairman formerly endorsed the claims of Mr Poole by saying” We have no formal records to prove or disprove either claim” DUH < There were four of Abbe Sense’s direct students within the BAB at that time.>

Four: Mr John Burn. * BAB Executive *- *BAB Communications Officer* – Really considerable libel attack on Henry Ellis’ name. Renews his attack 10th June 2005 saying” This only serves to entertain me”.

Five: Jim Johnston. The BAB Press Officer that is then * *. Promoting Mr Poole whilst fully understanding the truth’s deceptive promises.

Six: Mr Dominick Foster. Decision BAB Executive * – Attends the Kenshiro Abbe Celebrations and says to some VIP guest”what’s this Celebration all about” he states the next year is that the genuine celebration of British Aikido by the BAB.

Seven: Mr Jack Poole. * BAB Senior Main Coach . The Jack Poole Biography. . ( a catalog of lies) .

1: The KenShinKai. * Prominent BAB Association*. Gave 100% Service for the JP Bio..Their open letter obtained from the NACD is an absolute classic and can be read within this site.

Nine: Mr Gwynne Jones. * Prominent BAB manhood . Dis-credits 6 of the first half of those first dan levels in MartialArts Illustrated post” Bends the Branch..Issue June 05. Go to the National Aikido Database forum to learn more.

British Aikido Board Statement Damned Forever
Ten: This is without doubt the most disgraceful of them all. . * The BAB Chairman *Toni Davis stated in the year 2000
We the British Aikido Board aren’t the custodians of British Aikido History and
Have no interest in the same

Eleven: Sadly, with the arrival of the newest BAB chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter nothing altered, he created the announcement below regardless of the factual information available to him and his executive, We must not forget that Mr Sumpter was the only four surviving students of Abbe Sensei to get Aikido over the BAB.

Twelve: On 17th April 2002 The BAB Chairman * Mr Vincent Sumpter wrote to Henry Ellis with regard to the history of British Aikido. Then he made the following crass statement in his support to the BAB stance on Mr Jack Poole.

The period in question outweighs the development of the BAB by a significant amount of time and therefore we have no formal records to prove or disprove either claim.

Thirteen: The Kenshiro Abbe 50th Celebration Seminar
May 14th Crystal Palace London
720 Participants Guests Spectators

At the Sport England / BAB / Ellis mediation meeting 6th July 2004 where the BAB were reprimanded by Sport England and instructed to give Henry Ellis a full public apology.

At the close of the assembly ( The minutes for this meeting may be seen on this site. ( ), Henry Ellis evaluated Ms Sadie Mason of Sport England of the suggested plans for the Kenshiro Abbe occasion, Ms Mason suggested that we ought to call for the BAB in our strategies as part of this reconciliation of British Aikido, Henry Ellis declared.

Henry Ellis provided Ms Mason’s proposal to the Abbe Event Committeethat the proposal was unanimously accepted 100%. The BAB executive order were then approached and encouraged to send a representative ( any one of its 15,000 members ) of the BAB to attend our meetings and report back on our progress, this offer has been rejected out of control.

Mr Vincent Sumpter

Whatever your Pretence, you are nothing more and what you are!
Kenshiro Abbe Sensei

Not frustrated, we then encouraged the BAB chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter to attend The Kenshiro Abbe 50th Celebration as a VIP guest, to pay the respects of the BAB membership of that he symbolizes. You will find lots of BAB members attending, demonstrating that this event wasn’t about private differences fashions or what organisation you belong to, so I was happy to observe pupils from Mr Pooles firm that were made quite welcome. The event was all about one thing and one thing only Kenshiro Abbe Sensie with demonstrations from the ancient aikido and its own proud criteria, together with Sensei Eastman revealing a variety of methods to demonstrate the influences that the unique ancient teachers attracted to the UK in these ancient days.

Students educated with different pupils of various styles and associations with a friendliness not often observed in modern Aikido circles. This event went a long way to promote all that is good in Aikido. I think that the spirit of Abbe Sensei would be very proud of the exceptional day to his memory.

Another crass statement from Mr Vincent Sumpter 27th March 2004 left prior to the Sport England Mediation meeting 6th July 2005. Within an unwarranted attack on the genuine aikidoka who endorsed the British Aikido Controversy disagreement in its own defence of the true history of British Aikido and the Aikido background of Abbe Sensei and his acquaintances.

Mr Sumpter bleats.

The Boards conscience is obvious. Like all the practitioners of Aikido who bring about the controversy Mr Humm appears to have forgotten the meaning of the word Aikido Harmony of Sprit to find a Way The Controversy site feeds hatred, sick feeling, bitterness and discord. For my part, as a aikidoka who is enthusiastic about the artwork and the ways that goes with this, I will therefore not add. I cant stop what’s happening but I can turn the other cheek.

In regards to the aforementioned announcement by Mr Sumpter I should remind the reader to go to on this site to see both the Sport England moments and Mr Sumpters apology to Mr Ellis that can only be regarded as an apology to all those that supported the Controversy from the name of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei including the named Mr David Humm.

In response to our invitation to attend as a VIP guest to the Abbe occasion Mr Sumpter replied saying that he graciously accepted our invitation. Before case he changed his mind without explanation, suggesting that we allow Mr Ralph Reynolds to signify the BAB.

Mr Reynolds had a far more important role to play as one of the main teachers at this event in which he was delighted to participate as an original student of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.

This was such a significant event with many great students who were members of the BAB, nevertheless the British Aikido Board weren’t represented at this occasion to pay tribute to this a fantastic master and the founding father of British Aikido.

If Mr Sumpter had attended he’d have observed a Martial Arts Breathtaking never before observed in the United Kingdom, where students from several organisations fulfilled renewed old friendships, then there have been many more that made new friendships.

In nearly 50 decades of Aikido I have never experienced the special feeling that electrified the fantastic hall at Crystal Palace from the moment the Taiko Drummers started to play this day of celebration in the name of Abbe Sensei. I never believed in my lifetime I would ever see an occasion to eclipse the event with Abbe Sensei at The Royal Albert Hall in 1963. I understood Saturday the 14th of May that I was witnessing the greatest Aikido occasion in my 48 decades of Aikido. I am not an emotional man but I will admit that as I looked across the balcony of the concourse on the tatami area using the sound of the Taiko Drummers and the hundreds of students and guests gathering beneath I was not able to prevent the trickle of a couple of emotional tears as I realised I was seeing something very special.

MR SUMPTER, you too missed something even though 40 miles sat away at home ignoring the tribute others travelled from all regions of the UK USA France Holland Germany Czechoslovakia. etc..

Whilst you sat at home it was a great moment when Sensei Bill Woods that was the personal aide to Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and without doubt the most influential force in the background British Martial Arts, chose effort despite his acute illness to pay his respects to the memory of Abbe Sensei.

Sensei Bill Stopps the private Aide to Matsutharu Otani Sensei who also attended thanked me to inviting him as a guest whilst you sat at home, and also for the day he had undergone.

Whilst you sat at home only 40 miles away, Sensei Robin Otani Matsutharu Otani Sensei’s descendents, and his two sons went all the way to attend.

Sensei Joe Curran went all the way from Sensei Mike Nery and Newcastle. As did Mr Chad Hatcher and Sensei Al Montemar who flew over from Texas USA to pay their respects, 7000 miles went from New Mexico USA. Whilst you sat at home there have been others that went long journeys to attend.

Unlike you Mr Sumpter these people desired to attend.

You missed some of the finest exhibits of the Budo arts that some martial artist is likely to watch at any one occasion, a experience for all those that made the effort.

I was always under the belief that it was the sworn obligation of any chairman to do what was best for his organisation and its members.

Since the BAB chairman Toni Davies will be rembered for nothing more than his lies and unswerving support for Mr Poole.

The chairman Mr Sumpter will always be remembered because the BAB chairman who snubbed the Kenshiro Abbe Memorial to pay tribute to our father on behalf of the membership.

Try Try Try Again

After the British Aikido Board Nepotism Seminar 2004 with only 99 students attending out of a membership of approx 15000, the BAB have determined to not carry the 2005 National Seminar of it.

They are obviously fully aware of the success of the Kenshiro Abbe Celebrations. Together with 720 guests spectators were honoured by participants.

The BAB having failed miserably in its own four year support for Mr Jack Poole to alter the background of British Aikido. They now seem to have a renewed interest in the true history of its founder Kenshiro Abbe and British Aikido.
No matter whatever the British Aikido Board perform, that damning statement below will hang over their shameless heads for ever and a day.

British Aikido Board Statement Damned Forever

The BAB Chairman Toni Davis stated in the year 2000

We the British Aikido Board aren’t the custodians of British Aikido History and
Have no interest in the same.

“No matter your pretence – you are what you are – and nothing more.

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