There was Bruce Lee. In a sense, it’s a real shame that a lot of creation of action movie lovers have never been exposed to Bruce Lee since he was the best martial arts action hero of all time. His martial arts on film might not have been fancy as state Jet Lis or Jackie Chans but his onscreen ferocity and charisma are unequalled. Even more important was the effect on martial arts that Bruce Lee had that endures today even over 30 years since its passing.
Bruce Lee always considered himself a martial artist and an actor second. In creating his own style of martial art he was ahead of his time. His martial arts featured the practical techniques from combative fields since he moved out of the techniques. His martial arts abilities were and that is actual
Respected by other prominent martial artists such as Jhoon Rhee, Chuck Norris, Ed Parker and Joe Lewis. His title has been inducted twice, once while he was alive and another after his passing. All these are honors that no additional martial arts action hero has ever come close to. Martial arts colleges in North America enjoyed a growth in enrollment because of Bruce Lee.
If he played with Kato in the Green Hornet television series and a little role north America got an early glimpse of Bruce Lee. He went into Hong Kong and made a few movies like Fists of Fury (called the Big Boss in the Asia market) and the Chinese Association that made him a Enormous star in Asia. Bruce Lee wrote, directed and starred in his own movie production called the Dragon’s Way which comprised possibly among the martial arts combat scenes. This scene has been using Chuck Norris that gave his movie start to Norris and took place in the Roman Coliseum. It was Enter the Dragon that broke him. Until he managed to see the success of the movie, unfortunately , he died tragically at the age of 32 in 1973. At the right time of Lees death, the fight scenes had been finished by him for one more movie called Game of Death that included. Pupils of Bruce Lee contained celebrities Steve McQueen and James Coburn. Game of Death has been finished using actors later on.
Among the most significant contributions Bruce Lee made is that he opened the door for Asians in the entertainment industry. He had been the first Asian to reach any significant success arena. He became a star in North America and the remainder of the world by playing heroes rather than previous stereotype roles for Asians such like servants, gangsters, laundry employees or other pigtail coolie characters. Bruce Lee gave Asians the Chinese individuals a reason. Bruce Lee influenced them to be in pushing ahead to achieve their goals confident.
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