
The Building of the Pentagon

The Pentagon was completed in 16 months. It was built on a swamp and on the field of the Washington airport. Trucks hauled some 5.5 million cubic yards (4.2 million cubic meters) of junk and dirt and ...

Burgers, Fries And Ignorant Politics: Does Democracy Need An Overhaul?

America has become a spot that is confusing for men and women who are trying to decipher through the jumble of politics that is inherent in a enormous country that touts democracy. The Critical Review...

American Corporatism At Its Best

James Caan and robert Redford were right to the money. Back in 1975 my fiance prodded me to view two movies. Little did I know back then these two cinema releases were foretelling. Of The Condor perfo...

A Brief Look At George Washington, The Politician

George Washington was the President of the United States of America. He had been born in a County called Westmoreland, situated in Virginia on February 22, 1732. Washington, whose father passed away w...

Argentina’s Economy in a Nutshell

Argentina’s Economy In spite of conventional economic wisdom, rich countries tend to keep rich and poor countries tend to keep poor. The exceptions tend to be those”economic miracles”...

A Moment of Truth about Maxim Gorky

Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) is broadly known as a Bolshevik author, closely allied with the likes of Lenin and Stalin. However, this is nowhere near the truth. Gorky’s actual name was Alexei Maximov...

American Politics And Insurance

Americans have a lot complaints using politics and the American government, and the way ill-prepared the authorities had been for helping American citizens prior to, during, and after Hurricane Katrin...

Achieve Political Success Through A Promotional Product Political Campaign

All political candidates might not agree on political, societal or economic problems, however it’s safe to infer political candidates agree that a successful campaign builds public assistance an...

Another Look at Indians (Native Americans, Amerindians)

Native Americans tend to be cast in the part of sufferers of White aggression and unbridled violence in the territories known collectively as the usa. But the very first massacre was committed by Indi...

China Is Really Number Two

While the terrorists are chased by our leaders throughout the globe china’s coming strong. Recently much global press fanfare was created acknowledging that China had replaced Great Britain as t...

America’s Spiritual History: The Impulse That Gave Birth To A Nation

In the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a person to assert its right to freely exist as an independent society, unhampered by restrictions by a political authority that is far away and...

18 In ’08 Gets My Vote

On October 1, I had the chance to visit Rutgers to find a screening of 18 at’08, a documentary made by David Burstein, a Haverford College freshman. The documentary’s goal: to get out the ...

Casting The Role Of An American President — ‘all Business Is Show Business!

So, I’m channel surfing at my New York City hotel room, coordinating the crap I lugged from a conference to my hotel room floor, crap I’m about to pay an extravagant surcharge to lug over ...

Can Illegal Immigration Lead To Terrorism?

I wondered why no one seemed to understand that our porous southern boundaries were open doors for Middle Eastern terrorists as I saw the evening news. Because Id had a recent conversation with a Virg...

A Fresh Look on the War in Iraq

The planet was expecting news from the US for quite a while, but that the response didnt appear that expected whenever the official declaration of war came from. On March 19th, 2003 the US soldiers en...

History of Olmec Civilisation

A History of Olmec Civilization. The first modern waking to the Olmecs’ existance When farm employees in 1862 came upon hat they thought was was a buried, iron bag. Upon driven by thoughts of bu...

America Needs An Education Reinvention Bill Now!

So as to build a stronger America must first be willing to modify. To build a progressive and competitive society, America’s most important challenge is to change its antiquated educational syst...

Zionism Is Not Fascism, But Could Be

America and Britain did N’t support Israel in the 1948 War of Independence. The Soviet Union did, consequently. Stalin remembered the part Russian Jews was sure they would build a socialist stat...

Communicating Democrats’ Agenda For The ‘common Good’

All of the polls now point to a substantial Democratic advantage, both on the way the parties are tackling the vital issues in addition to how individuals will vote on Election Day. However, as ancien...

Another Look at Mahatma Gandhi

Many myths abound about Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand called Mahatma”Great Souled”) Gandhi (1869-1948). He wasn’t born into a poor Indian family. His father was dewan (chief minister) ...

Bizarre Flag Facts – Q & As

Examine your Patriotic Knowlege of This American Flag: Query: Is it okay to fly the American Flag upside down? Response: The flag should not be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dir...

America’s “Happiness Index” At New Low

The other day it occurred to me during Ronald Reagans run for the Presidency that he created a Misery Index. This indicator represented a complete of the rate of inflation, in addition to the prime ra...

Indian Legends and Victorian Bath Houses: The History of Eureka Springs

The Arkansas resort town of Eureka Springs is a faux-Victorian tourist trap with plenty of attractions today. But dinner theaters and the knickknack shops are a natural outgrowth of a lengthy history ...

Augusto Pinochet, President of Chile, born 1915

After seizing power in a damn coup, General Augusto Pinochet ruled Chile with a rod of iron. Hailing from an upper-middle course background, Pinochet entered the military academy at Santiago at age 18...

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