A lot of iPhone owners do not fully utilize their phones. You’re not alone if you’re not aware of all the iPhone can do for you. If you want to learn more about your iPhone you should continue reading this article.
If you’re searching the web with your iPhone, you don’t have to type out the “.com” of the web address. All you need to do is enter the main section of the url, and your browser will guide you towards the right site. This is a simple little trick that saves you plenty of time while using your iPhone.
Screen Protector
Purchase a protective screen for your iPhone. If you don’t apply a screen protector, your phone can suffer from scratches and nicks. It is easy for small particles on your fingers to create scratches. Therefore, a screen protector is an essential accessory.
You can create a shortcut on your home page for any site that you visit frequently. First, navigate to the web page. Then tap the “Go” button. You will then have the option to create a shortcut to the site on your phone’s home screen. Once it appears on the home page, give it a personalized name.
It is not necessary to close out an autocorrect suggestion by pushing the “X.” Simple tap away on your screen to eliminate this alteration. That closes the box for you, a much faster solution.
The iPhone allows you to create your own shortcuts and your own dictionary. If you dictate to the iPhone, it can learn how you speak and predict what you will say next. It is also possible to program your own shortcuts and unique phrases into the phone. Auto-correction of mistyped words is another handy feature.
Are you interested in accenting letters in your text conversations on the iPhone, but not sure how to accomplish this? Here is how to find them. Touch and hold the letter that requires accenting. Expect a box to open, containing added options. Now you can have more fun with your lettering.
Are you regretting something you just typed on iMessage? Has Auto Correct made you sound silly? No worries! Just shake your iPhone! This action automatically undoes recent typing. Because this particular feature is optional, it may be necessary to enable it under the Settings menu.
You can see a list of messages on your lock screen. Some people like this, but others don’t. If you prefer not to use this feature, you can disable it easily. Under Settings, choose Notifications and then Messages. You then want to disable the Show Preview option.
Your iPhone can be your calculator, too. When holding the phone upright it is a regular calculator, but by tilting it sideways you will get a scientific calculator.
Keep the firmware on your iPhone current. Each update increases the functionality of the iPhone, and improves battery life. By putting iTunes on your computer and linking your phone to it, you can bring your firmware up to date. You can also use iCloud for connecting the phone to an Apple computer.
AutoText shortcuts can be made for your commonly used phrases to save messaging time. This can be handy when typing common phrases like “where are you” or entering long email addresses. Access this feature under the keyboard settings on the iPhone.
Setting alerts and reminders is very easy; use this feature for your appointments and other obligations. Also, you can set reminders that are based on locations as well. For example, set a reminder for your phone to remind you to go to the drug store after you leave work. There are many different reminders that you can implement on the iPhone.
One thing you must remember with an iPhone is not to get carried away with the tremendous amount of apps available. Many apps are available for the iPhone; they are either free or low-cost. When downloading apps, be careful that it comes from a trusted source.
There are times when you are busy and don’t want to be interrupted by notifications on your iPhone. Chances are you’ll want to ignore the notice and finish your task. All you have to do is remove the notification from your screen. All you have to do is give the notification pop-up a quick swipe with your fingertip and it’ll disappear.
If you have started writing an email but did not get it completed, don’t close the email, click on cancel instead. You can then save it as a draft. Click yes and you can find your email later in the draft folder.
It is very simple to gain access to the iPod controls and favorites instantaneously. To find this, you can go to the Home button under Settings->General. Once here, you can double click the options you are wanting to make more unique. As long as you stick to these steps, this is pretty easy to do!
There is a way to scroll your contacts without flicking. Begin by pressing your finger to the contact list. Then, you just slide up and down. This technique offers better control while you look at your contacts.
FaceTime is a wonderful way to communicate on the iPhone. FaceTime is a video call option that you can use over wi-fi. FaceTime is accessed through Contacts. Once you find the button, press it to both hear and see who you are communicating with.
Scrolling through smaller windows through the browser of your iPhone can be difficult. Thanks to inadvertent finger placement, you might end up scrolling the main page up or down instead of the window. If you’re having issues, try to zoom in on that window first. Use two fingers and move them away from each other to achieve this.
The cost of the iPhone can be quite high, but they are powerful devices that are almost equivalent to a hand-held computer. If you own an iPhone, you know how great it is. After reading this article though you can use it in even better ways.
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