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To die means to survive no more. Someone who was characterized by a title, a household, a personality, a nationality and worth that are lovely is no more. That person will never be found on the earth again. A neighbor, who you see everyday, can not be found again in case you search for him/her around the globe your life. What has been taken for granted, is not there suddenly. Death has taken away the life.

I wonder about soldiers. The majority of them are beautiful folks. They love not only family and their friends, but also their own culture. A soldier when not on duty is hurt as far as the rest of us by a death. But the exact same soldier thinks nothing about murdering million others who belong to a family, a culture, a country, a mother, children and spouse. This soldier who gets pained has only 1 thing in the war – kill as many enemy troops as he can. Bring as much devastation as he/she can to the enemy. Also the word warfare and the word enemy change the context of thinking and emotions .

Duty can’t be known as brutality. However, the result is same. So many wars are fought that we have dropped the count. They continue. Even the killings continue. Nationalities define boundaries and boundaries define enmity or customs. What a tragedy! Can God draw the boundaries of nations? They evolved themselves. We’ll discover that it’s a dot if we see our earth by the distance. No boundaries, no nationalities, only a rather small world. However, as we walk on the planet, things change. Loyalties change, and man changes. The end result is always much more of death and passing.

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Written by sodiart
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