Does Your IPad Do What You Want?

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There are lots of great functions that make the iPad perfect for anyone. However, whenever you first use this device, you can easily become overwhelmed with all this knowledge in your hands. Use the advice from this article to discover how great iPads are.

In your inbox, you may want to see more than the first few lines. Under Settings, navigate to Mail, and look for the Preview setting. Change this setting to show however many lines you want. This should help you decide if you really need to read the entire email or not.

The default setting on the iPad is to preview two lines of each new email before you select it. This can often help to see content before opening the email. You can select mail from your settings. Go to Mail, pick Contacts and then tap Calender. Then, preview mail options to change the lines.

TIP! Are you finding it annoying to receive constant messages from your iPad asking if you are interested in accessing a wifi network that it has detected? This prompt can be totally eliminated by checking your device settings. You can easily turn this off in the Wi-Fi settings.

The chime on the iPad that alerts you of new email can be very annoying. Are you aware of a quick way to disable that unwanted sound? Under the Settings menu, choose “General”. After selecting General, select Sounds. This should display all of your sound options, including the ability to mute or damped new email notifications.

Open pages in new tabs in order to keep several open at the same time. When you’re in the Safari browser, tap the link and hold it until the menu for options appears. This menu gives you the option to make a new tab for the link.

Search Engine

TIP! Did you accidentally start a noisy app? Mute your iPad by pushing the volume button down for a few seconds. If you use mute often, you can set the lock orientation key to act as your mute button.

If you are a Google-phobe and want to use some other search engine as your primary search provider, it is possible to make this happen. Open the Settings menu, select Safari and then Search Engine. You have the choice of switching the search engine to something more user-friendly if you would like.

Are you tired of going through the bookmark icon to visit your favorite sites? You can easily do this by always showing the bookmarks bar. In Settings, open Safari and select the option to always show the bookmarks bar. Simply turn it on.

Taking screenshots on your iPad is quick and simple. Just hold down the Home and Sleep buttons together. This will capture the image and save it with your other photos.

TIP! If you are sick and tired of being notified of a local Wi-Fi connection, change your settings. You’ll see the option about Joining Networks.

Quickly Mute

Now you can quickly mute your iPad. Originally, you couldn’t do this with a button. Previously, you could use the lock switch to either mute the audio or lock the orientation. Just tap and hold volume-down to quickly mute sound.

If you are on the Internet constantly you can use the cloud storage for your iPad. Use the cloud to store things without taking up valuable space on the device itself. Make sure to keep important information on your device and iCloud as well.

TIP! You do not have to use the camera roll icon to see the picture or the video you just took. Just swipe your finger to the right to find the video or picture you just took.

You can go to a iPad forum to find out more about using your iPad. These sites can help you learn, and also understand, some of the problems you deal with. If you are hesitant to ask a question initially, look through the archives. When you are ready, let others know who you are and begin participating in conversations.

You can use the iPad’s lock key to orientate your screen or mute your volume. Keep in mind that the original iPads did not have this feature. You need to have iOS 4.3 or greater. Holding the volume-down button will mute your iPad.

Running Apps

TIP! It is possible to preview more than a couple of lines of email by changing settings. Go to Settings, Mail and find Preview.

Double-click the Home button if you want access to all of the actively running apps. This will allow you to see all of the running apps that you have. This lets you keep an eye on what’s running on your iPad and close unneeded apps to free up RAM.

You can control all of the notifications you receive. Having a large number of apps can result in numerous and constant alerts. Fix this by navigating to Settings > Notifications. Here you have the ability to manage the notifications allowed for each of your apps. Then you only get useful notifications.

Screenshots are quite simple to take with the help of an iPad. You can do this by pressing the button that says sleep/wake after you have tapped the home button. The screen will flash and you will hear a click. It means that a photo has been taken. Your screenshots will automatically save in your iPad’s Photo Gallery. From here, you can view and share them.

TIP! If you want to put your calendar on the iPad calendar you should click on the mail and then your contacts and then your calendar. Hit Add An Account and hit Other.

Do your eyes feel like they are straining when you read on the iPad? Adjusting the brightness will help cure this problem and make reading enjoyable once again. You can find this under settings, which will allow you to make the screen lighter or darker.

To copy text on your iPad, simply double tap a keyword. But, this is not the ideal method to use if you need to copy a large volume of text. Tap the text four times, you will copy the whole paragraph. This works well for addresses, paragraphs and the URL bar.

There are some easy techniques for handling the battery life of an iPad. Avoid hot environments like cars. Keep the screen brightness turned down. When you are not using the Internet, set it to airplane mode. You could also turn off the Push function. Check your mailbox and your calendar manually, or choose an interval of a few minutes.

TIP! Would you like to have a way to locate your iPad in case you misplace it? Go to your Settings and tap on iCloud. Add your account’s Apple ID and turn on the app.

It’s hard to view a PDF on a standard computer, but it’s actually easier with iPad. Not only can the iPad view these PDF’s, but you are able to sync your device with your home computer and transfer any documents from one to the other. This is useful for school, work, or business.

Podcasts can be passed on to family and friends without much effort. If you are listening to a podcast that you would like to share, you do not have to stop listening to it to share it. Just press Email button during the podcast. You’ll have the opportunity to pick recipients and send it right away.

As you can now see, the iPad can do many things to make your life easier. The iPad is rather expensive, so you want to use as many of the device’s features to get the most out of your purchase. Use these tips to make sure you get all you can out of your iPad.

TIP! You need to take good care of your iPad since it is such a big investment. Many people purchase screen protectors for their iPad.
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