Eat Fresher Food By Growing Your Own Organic Garden

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Organically produced foods are becoming more and more common in shopping centers. You’re well aware of which items the organic ones are. They have different packaging and cost tons more. Read this article to learn how to create your very own organic garden.

Find some plants that will give you a higher yield. Many times, hybrid plants tend to resist disease, and tolerate the cold weather better than their traditional counterparts, resulting in higher yields.

Utilize your garden tool handles as convenient makeshift rulers. Tools with long handles, such as a shovel or rake, are absolutely perfect for this job, and make your workload a little bit smaller. Place the handles on the floor to measure the distance between them. Then, transfer the measurements to the handle using a permanent marker. When you decide to work in the garden again, you will now have a ruler at your disposal.

TIP! Put down sod correctly. Your soil should be prepared before you lay the sod.

When gardening, beware of stink bugs and other insects, particularly in the autumn. They like to feast on all kinds of fruits, as well as peppers, tomatoes, and beans. Decrease their presence as much as possible to avoid them wreaking havoc in your garden.

If your garden includes vegetables, make sure you plant them in a location whether they are exposed to sunlight for a minimum of six hours each day. Most vegetables need at least that much sun for optimal growth speed. Some flowers also require direct sunlight for a portion of each day.

Plan your garden before you plant it. Doing so means you can remember where each particular plant is when you start seeing sprouts arise from the earth. In addition, your small plants or groups of plants that are limited in number won’t become lost if you have a large garden.

TIP! Use annuals and biennials to enliven your flower beds. Fast growing biennials and annuals will brighten a garden and permit you to change looks from one season to another.

Garden Pests

If you have a vegetable garden, one of your main enemies is garden pests. While chemicals can help with pest control, you should avoid using overly harsh ones, as veggies you grow in your garden are meant for eating. Remain vigilant to control your garden pests. If you catch them early, you can take them off the plants by hand.

Try pouring water leftover from steamed vegetables onto your potted plants. It contains rich nutrients that come from the vegetables. If you have rhododendrons or gardenias, use coffee and tea grounds to acidify the soil. Chamomile tea is a good remedy against fungus.

TIP! Remove your garden’s weeds! Weeds can kill a precious garden. Try using white vinegar to get rid of weeds.

Use gardening as a way to relax and recuperate. You can relax and be at peace in many different ways. Gardening is fun, and it is definitely one of the best ways to achieve this state. You do not need to spend a lot of money and you can reap tangible benefits. You will feel great satisfaction by creating your own garden of tranquility.

Be careful how you water your garden. Use a hose with a soaker attachment to save you time, so the garden can get watered while you are doing other tasks. Use low water pressure for your hose so that you do not cause harm to the tender members of your garden. This allows you to leave the hose running as you go about your business.

If you want to keep dogs our of your garden, take some aftershave, old perfume, or any other scented item and spray the grass around the area. This helps mask the attractive scents and can make your garden unappealing to them.

TIP! If your garden contains lots of short plants, purchase some gardening knee pads. Weeding, watering and picking through your vegetation can cause a lot of damage to your knees if left unprotected.

When you are organic gardening, ask your children to lend a hand. An organic garden will help your child learn more about plants and insects, and it’s a wonderful bonding time while growing healthy produce.

Plant strawberries for your children. Children love to pick their own fruit right out of the garden, and will be more willing to help with the process if they get something out of it.

If you are gardening with a cut, make sure that you adequately protect it from dirt and chemicals. Open wounds can easily get infected while gardening because you’re exposing yourself to dirt, bacteria and germs. You can now purchase bandages to seal the cut completely.

TIP! Try “boiling” weeds to get rid of them. A boiling pot of water is one the best and safest herbicides you can find.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds are good for your soil. Coffee grounds have nitrogen that plants will utilize. Nitrogen is a nutrient that will help your plants grow taller and bloom faster, so use those coffee grounds, extra compost, or diluted urea to make this happen.

Try to avoid letting your organic garden chores build up. While you may not be able to spend a lot of time every day in your garden, even little items done daily will stop the mountain of work from growing. For example, if your family is cooking out on the grill, you could clear a few bunches of weeds between checking on the burgers.

TIP! An excellent garden shouldn’t begin from plants. They should begin from seeds.

Do you want to kill weeds in a natural way? You need to have many layers of newspapers in order to provide proper weed control. Weeds can only grow when there is adequate sunlight. If the weeds have already sprouted, you can place the newspapers over them and they will die due to lack of sunlight. As an added benefit, the newspapers will decompose over time, becoming organic compost. Covering the newspaper with mulch will help your garden to be more pleasing to the eye.

In order to construct your raised beds, make use of untreated brick, stone, wood and other materials. If you use wood, be sure that it is untreated and naturally rot resistant. The best varieties include cedar, locust and cypress wood. If you use your garden to grow vegetables, avoid using wood that has been treated with chemicals. These toxic chemicals may seep into the soil, damaging your crops. If you have placed treated wood in your garden, line it with a coat of plastic.

Growing your garden at home might not be the most convenient thing for you, but you will save a lot of money and always have the confidence that what you’re eating and feeding your family is as fresh and as healthy as possible. Use the tips you’ve learned here and get started on your garden today.

TIP! To keep pests away, you can use plants in the garden or other natural materials. Slugs who want to enter a vegetable garden, for example, can be repelled by a simple border of marigolds and onions.
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