Excellent Article About Cats That Is Simple To Follow Along

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A cat’s purr is a wonderful sound to hear. This is a relaxing sound and can put you at ease. That’s why you must care for them properly. To make that purr an every day occurrence, follow these important tips.

Ensure that you groom your cat regularly and properly. You should comb and/or brush them on a regular basis. If you do this often, their coat will stay clean. This will also reduce things like shedding and hairballs because it keeps them from having extra hair. Grooming a cat properly will improve the appearance of your home and cat.

Check-ups are an absolute must for any pet cat. Cats require special shots to prevent illness and the vet can check their overall health. Make sure you keep the same veterinarian for your pet throughout its life. They will understand your cat and its issues better this way.

TIP! You must always take your cat for regular vet check-ups. Cats need special shots to keep them from getting sick, and the veterinarian will check your cats overall health.

Always provide your feline with special attention and affection. Cats are looking for a response in kind in exchange for all of the friendly companionship they offer to humans. Cats are social animals and will thrive when they are included in daily activities and life. They’ll know they are accepted as members of the family if they get plenty of loving attention.

Sometimes children get too excited when playing with a new cat and may mishandle them. Spend time instructing your children on cat care. Teach them which activities are good and how to properly pick your cat up. The bones of a cat are weaker than a dogs, therefore, they should be handled with care.

Do all you can to figure out what’s causing your cat to meow. After some time, you’ll understand why your cat purs or meows based on what she wants. Your cat might need food or might want to go out. Know what your cats cries mean so that you’re able to understand the cat more.

TIP! Deter cats from shocking themselves on electrical wires by spraying them with bitter apple. If your cat likes to chew cords, hide the cords as best you can.

Litter Box

Do not discipline your cat if it makes a mess outside its litter box. When this occurs, it is probably just a sign that the litter box wasn’t properly taken care of. Punishing the cat will only make him afraid to be around you in the future.

Feed your cat top quality food. Look over the ingredients in the food, and be sure there is some kind of a protein source in the food. Try avoiding foods that have non-protein elements like corn. The main part of a cat’s diet should be meat protein, so his cat food should be mostly real meat.

TIP! Microchips are an increasingly popular form of pet protection. Even cats who live completely indoors may someday decide to bolt out the door or escape out of a window.

Give your cat canned food. Dry food is less expensive, but canned food provides more benefits. The moist food gives your cat water, and it usually has more protein and fat in it. As your cat ages, canned food is more easily chewed. Speak with your vet, however generally speaking, canned cat food is better for your cat.

Long haired cats take extra grooming time, so think about that before choosing one. All that hair will be literally everywhere. Unless you are prepared to do more cleaning, don’t buy a long haired cat. They can also have more health issues due to hairballs.

Litter Box

TIP! Don’t let your cat get frequently bored. Cats need play and exercise.

Think carefully about where you put the litter box for your cat. Many cat owners feel inclined to hide the litter box. The thing to remember is that your cat must have easy access to the box. You want your cat to feel comfortable using their litter box. If your litter box is on a cold surface, place a rug or mater underneath it.

Avoid any products containing phenol around your cats. A lot of household cleaners have this in them, so you should read the labels before using them around your cat. The smell of the chemical isn’t pleasant for your cat and prolonged exposure may cause liver problems.

If your cat’s been declawed, you should never let them outside. It can’t defend itself with no claws. Indoor cats are the only type of cat that needs to be declawed. If you must declaw a cat, only do it to the front paws. Leaving the back claws are important so that your cat can scratch themselves.

TIP! Chances are, your feline spends many hours grooming himself. Hairballs are more common in long-haired cats.

Keep an eye out for panting. Panting is a normal thing in dogs. While excessive panting may be a symptom of anxiety, it may also be a symptom of something more serious. Be sure and make an appointment with your vet if you notice any respiratory problems with your cat.

If you are lucky enough to have a cat that has a lot of hairballs, and brushing doesn’t seem to be helping to lessen them, then the following tips might help. Mix about a teaspoon full of pumpkin into your cats’ food. In addition, you could use one teaspoon of water for packing tuna and mix it with the pumpkin. It is also possible to get help from cat food varieties containing fiber and other ingredients.

Place a sticky style tape on your furniture. This will prevent your cat from scratching the material. You can even get this kind of a tape from a pet store. You should also give your cat a favorable alternative by purchasing a scratching post.

TIP! Feeding your male cat the proper food can help prevent crystals from forming in his urine. A cat passing the crystals can be very hurtful with an expensive vet bill to boot.

Ensure you place a tag collar on your cat. Cats aren’t stupid animals – they may try to leave the house when they find an opportunity. By requiring your pet to wear a tag on the collar, you can be more confident that you will be reunited if the cat escapes.

At first, your cat may not like another animal in the home. In the beginning, make sure the two animals stay away from one another. Let your cat get used to the new smells. After some time, try slowly introducing your cat to your new pet.

A purring cat is a happy, healthy cat. Cats are graceful, beautiful animals and it can be easy to care for them if you implement the tips here. You probably want your cat to purr more often, so use these tips to make it happen.

TIP! When traveling on the road with your cat, understand that they are sensitive to sounds. While you may like to crank up the stereo when you go cruising, your pet probably prefers you keep the volume down.
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