Getting A Cat? Read These Tips First

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When your cat isn’t napping, it will need something to entertain them. When cats area alone, they can scratch everything and climb on the furniture. Prevent this from happening by investing in some cat toys. Learn about those and additional cat tips from the article below.

Check with your shelter before you purchase a cat. Shelters have lots of great cats available, and your adoption fee often covers key veterinary services. Taking a cat home with you means that a life has been saved.

A heated tile for underneath your cat’s bed can provide real comfort. Place a tile made of terra cotta or a similar material in an oven heated to 200 degrees for around 15 to 20 minutes. Put it inside an old towel, then place it beneath the cat’s bed. When the tile cools down, change it out for a fresh, warm one.

TIP! You can make your old cat feel better thanks to a hot tile placed under its bed. Use a terra cotta tile to help relieve your cat’s aches and pains; put it in the oven on low heat – 200 degrees or so – for 15 minutes.

Avoid using dog products on cats. Products designed for dogs or other animals could cause a negative reaction from your cat. This will especially be true if it’s a product for fleas. Dog flea prevention products will kill your cat. If your dog has been treated for fleas, keep him away from your cat for at least three hours.

Keep your cat from having a shocking experience by spraying electrical cords with bitter apple. If they like to chew on cords, try covering them as much as you can. You can bundle loose cords together and place them inside paper towel rolls. Any electronic item not in use should be stored away where the cat can’t get to it.

Make sure your cat is not too bored. Cats need play and exercise. But many cat owners ignore that need. Cats that are bored may develop obsessive compulsive disorders, depression, or other issues that can harm their health. Give them time and space where they can exercise and toys they can play with. An indoor cat needs a good scratching post.

TIP! Part of caring for your cat is taking it to regular veterinarian checkups. They should go at least once yearly for a check-up, and more often if they need any shots.

Try to figure out why your cat makes meowing sounds. After you have lived with your cat for a while, you will come to know what she wants by her meow. Your cat could be hungry or thirsty, or it may want to leave the house. Know what your cats cries mean so that you’re able to understand the cat more.

Cats love to be high up. Elevate your cat so that it can scan the area. You can use a cleared shelf if you’d rather not have a cat tree. For an additional treat, put a little bed or blanket in there, too.

Acclimate your cat to its carrier. Cats never respond to punishment the way that dogs do. They like responding to encouragement better. Put the carrier in a comfortable place and fill it with treats and toys. Over time the cat will not be stressed about the carrier and will enter it voluntarily. As the cat becomes used to being in the carrier, it will become easier to transport them in it.

TIP! Prevent your cat from chewing on electrical cords by spraying bitter apple on them. If this does not work, make sure you cover the cords.

Feed your cat high-quality cat food. Pay attention to the ingredient list on any food you feed them. Protein needs to be one of the very first items on the list, while fillers like corn and other grains should be avoided. Try omitting non-protein based foods such as corn from your regular diet. Cats in the wild are meat eaters, and domestic cats need meat to ensure optimum health.

Feeding your cat the proper canned food is ideal. Dry food may cost less, but canned food has more benefits. Your cat can get more water, fat and protein from canned food. Older cats find it easier to eat, too. Speak with your veterinarian before making any major changes, however in general, canned food is better for your cat.

Litter Box

TIP! Male cats sometimes have crystals in their urine, but this can be prevented with the right cat food. Your cat will experience considerable pain when he has to pass these crystals, and it’s not an easy (or cheap) problem for your veterinarian to fix.

If you notice that your cat isn’t using its’ litter box anymore, you need to take note. There are a number of health issues that can lead a well-trained cat to urinate in places other than their litter box. A urinary infection or a kidney problem could be responsible for your cat’s behavior. When your cat stops using the litter box regularly, a call to the vet is definitely in order.

It is important to designate a big and comfortable area for your cat to deliver her kittens. Labor can last as long as four hours, so stay patient. Once 6 hours have passed, if all the kittens have not been delivered you should seek the help of a vet.

One way a dog shows affection for his owner is to wag his tail. While cats are also prone to tail wagging, they do it for very different reasons. If your cats tail is wagging, it could indicate that the animal is facing a fight-or-flight situation. It also suggests possible conflict or uncertainty. If you happen to be cuddling with your cat when the wagging occurs, be prepared to loosen your grip!

TIP! Cat medications can be bought affordable online. In some situations, you may not have the choice to purchase meds over the Internet, such as a health emergency.

Watch out for panting. Dogs pant and that is the norm. While excessive panting may be a symptom of anxiety, it may also be a symptom of something more serious. Be sure to call your vet, particularly if your pet has suffered from respiratory issues.

Try using sticky tape if you own a cat. If the cat tends to scratch your upholstery, some tape may stop the practice. There is tape available that is specifically designed for this. If you place the tape on the furniture and add a scratching pole, your cat should stop scratching your things.

Do not allow your cat to leave the house if you are concerned about them catching fleas, getting rabies or coming in contact with poisonous fungus. Indoor cats almost never get these ailments.

TIP! When purchasing a tiny kitty as gift for the kids, it’s best to establish boundaries well ahead of the arrival. Tell your kids which rooms the cat is allowed in.

Keep an eye out for holes in your house you’d prefer your cat stay away from. Cats are able to fit through gaps that are very small. Kittens are even more apt to get into these holes. Know this when bringing another cat into your home. Seal up all holes no matter how small they might seem.

Cats have lots of energy, so make sure they expel that energy on their toys instead of your furniture. Keeping cats busy can keep them from tearing up your house. Use the tips from this article in selecting the right products for your cat.

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