Threatened once again from our governing bodies, how much more can we take. I hear we are to be punished with high council taxes for making our homes by adding or decorating a conservatory.
Individuals will be weary of placing a lick of paint. Heaven forbid as that’s exactly what is going to take place, what do so authorities want more slums.
Okay fine I’ll pay your additional taxes receive council tax deductions or any reimbursement for all of the years living to drug traffickers asylum seekers, paedophiles. I leave you sitting on this one.
What’s it going to take for folk that is dumb like me to see through the way that our country is run? We are like lambs to the slaughter. We and we have a education program that is failing and the health program that is failing, respectively. Can we or our children excel in life, when there is so much negativity and not enough positivity.
How worried is that our government concerning the health system?
I think they are doing everything in their ability to form things. It’s due to their forces why the health system is the way it is today.
As a result of this political power folks are pressurized into living their lives. Working all the hours god sends to put a crust on the table simply to get the authorities get their grubby fingers in your pay packet leaving just crumbs to you.
All of that and the damned state is what it is damned, live in dread. The Budget induces stress and more stress to a lot of innocent victims who have felt the necessity to carry an overdose or worse their own lives as they can not make ends meet.
Count your blessings until the day of the budget.
Contributing to society how the government is currently doing raising peoples anxiety/stress amounts is killing any respect.
A couple of the causes of a heart attack is no wonder that our health system is as it is today, anxiety/stress.
Our system isn’t able to handle the shortage of doctor’s nurses etc if the people in power keep placing more patients there. Requirement for a bed in our associations is a way of life we all have grown accustomed or lost a life due to that which we have become accustomed.
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