How To Guarantee Your Article Gets Published

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There are thousands of article submission sites on the net today. Submitting the article to article directories doesn’t guarantee it will be accepted. Many article websites have publishing guidelines that are general in character. The majority of the bigger, more popular websites, are strict about what gets rejected and what gets published.

If you’d like make sure that online directories accept more of your articles that you will want to ensure that your article meets the publisher’s guidelines. As a proprietor and publisher of online article websites for many decades, I am amazed at how many authors don’t take the time to read through submission instructions.

Many websites will take any article submitted if it’s a new article directory, even as a way to build up their article count. But sites that are established using Alexa and Google rankings, tend to be more selective in what’s submitted in their directory.

The most Frequent mistakes authors make in submitting their articles include:

1. Not after the demands.
Wrapping and HTML formatting maintain the page layout of the web site. Articles submitted with word is one of my reasons for rejecting articles. Forced breaks at 60 characters could be suitable that feed , but it isn’t very appealing on a web page. Posting HTML articles on websites that accept only text content is rather annoying for an editor to eliminate.

2. Microsoft formatting.
Pasting and copying from a Microsoft Word file does horrible things to layout and a webpage design. Often this kind of formatting may also reek havoc on online forms and may appear inside the text of the article.

3. Affiliate links and advertisements.
Article websites don’t take articles with affiliate links on them. Authors insist on adding their affiliate links within the body of the article although That is allowed in the resource box of the author or the article sounds more. This sort of article is often rejected. Be sure to make your article informative to the reader.

4. Improper category selection.
Editors will delete the article and are discovering this also time consuming while most editors will require a moment or two to put an article in the category. Sites that receive 50 or more articles each day don’t have enough time. Be sure to choose the most applicable category for your essay.

5. Email links in articles or resource boxes.
Although a lot of editors aren’t concerned with addresses in articles or in a resource box, then authors should be aware. Article directories are being scanned by not just search engines but by mail harvester bots . Listing your email address in any web page that is online opens the author up is not a fantastic idea and to obtain an huge amount of spam. Email addresses also change from time to time, leaving you possibly tens of thousands of articles on the web using a email address that works.

6. Author names never capitalized.
Most don’t take the time to capitalize their very first and last name in the writer profile region while authors are rushing to submit content to hundreds of websites as soon as possible. It seems to me that if Susan Smith enters her name because susan smith, it makes her seem like she is reducing herself as a individual. Be cautious of who you are and let the world!

7. Punctuation and spelling errors.
Editors don’t have enough time for spelling errors or punctuation to check each article. If you would like to make sure your article is picked up from these article directories and found on web sites, you also may need to make sure you have checked your article for errors. Newsletter and ezine editors acquire stuff for their books. If your article isn’t well written or contains a lot of errors, your article is most likely not going to be used for any purpose other than to provide you with a free link from the directory to your web site.

8. Word count is reduced.
Not many directories put word count restrictions. Any article that is less than 400 word is written to acquire back a link to the web site of the author. Articles that range between 600-800 words are better composed and really comprise some value for the reader. Ensure your article fulfills the content count guidelines to help increase approval prices.

Each article directory has different needs for article submissions. Be sure you familiarize yourself that you submit articles to if you would like to increase the exposure you receive for your articles. You increase your web site traffic too and also set yourself by abiding by the author guidelines, you increase your odds of having your article approved.

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