Is Christian Meditation a way to speak to God?

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Christian meditation is a way of communication with God. Christians can use this meditation to clear their minds of the notions of the day and concentrate on worshipping God and learning about the truths of the Bible.

Centuries before, monks began practicing meditation that was Christian by reading over verses in the Bible and thinking about the truths in these verses. Often, they would state the verses as a prayer to God. This manner, the monks learned to speak to God in prayer, and learned how to tell their ideas and concerns to God. By praying to God and stirring on Bible verses, the monks trained their minds to always consider God. They predicted this contemplation, and it helped them to get a close relationship with God.

The monks created what’s called the ladder of prayer by following this way of communication with God. The rungs of the ladder included considering the truths from the poetry reading Bible verses, praying to God, and learning to consider God always.

Two types of Christian meditation were used. Using a mantra, or word that is repeated to help the focus on God, was clearly one kind of meditation. An example of a mantra are Lord, the term Maranatha, which is an Aramaic term for the future. Christians would utilize what’s called a Centering Prayer, which uses a sacred word or words to attract the Christian into God’s existence. Both of these kinds of Christian meditation helped the people using them to take their focus and to turn to God to hear what He had to say to them.

A woman named St. Theresa of Avila created five measures to help Christians focus on God when praying. These five measures are called the 5 R.

– The R is Ready: This really will be the step in which the Christian understands that he/she is in the existence of God. To be ready to continue in prayer, the thanks God for the many blessings He admits any sins, and provides.
– The R is Read, and includes reading prayers, religious books, as well as the Bible.
– The third R is currently Reflect. In this step, the Christian focuses on which he/she has read to be able to come closer to God.
– The fourth R is Respond. It is at this step that the Christian speaks with God in an open and honest manner about what he’s been reading and considering. It’s by far the step that is most important, as it is if God can share ideas and his wisdom with the Christian.
– The final and fifth R is Resolve. That is if the thanks God for what he’s heard, and shuts prayer’s time.

These various kinds of Christian meditation all can be useful in assisting Christians come close to Him, to meet God, and learn His truths. Christian meditation does not save a person in their sins; it’s a tool which may be employed.

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