It is not uncommon to find smokers who realize the risks and problems with smoking, but choose to do it anyway. Smoking cessation is much easier said than accomplished. However, a person who is truly dedicated will ultimately succeed. If you desire to wave goodbye to cigarettes forever, then this is your go-to article.
As with other addictions, approach each day without a cigarette as a small victory. Don’t focus on not smoking ever again. Instead, focus on not smoking today. If you take things in a shorter time frame, it is often easier to cope with the stress. Once you start becoming comfortable with your commitment to stop smoking, you can start to make longer term goals.
Some great ways to get in shape, stay active and distract yourself from smoking include participating in an exercise program, and signing up for the local gym. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and to gain a healthier attitude. If you do not exercise normally, you can start by taking short walks outside daily. Before beginning an exercise plan, discuss this with your doctor.
If you want to kick your smoking habit, enlist the support of your friends and loved ones. Communicate your need for support, so that they can understand their important roles, rather than becoming judgmental or doubtful. They should also know that nicotine withdrawal could affect your mood initially, causing you to seem uncharacteristically short-tempered or grumpy. Quitting smoking is a difficult process, and getting the support of your friends and family is critical.
If you cannot quit cold turkey, replace your cigarettes with nicotine patches or gums. These substitutes are OTC medications that replace some of the nicotine your body is used to getting from smoking. This can ease withdrawal symptoms, and increase your chances of quitting for good.
Be sure that you are willing to stick with your plan to quit smoking. Failure to successfully quit can often be attributed to not keeping the right mental attitude and simply resigning to giving up. Remember the reasons that caused you to stop in order to stay motivated.
Secondhand Smoke
One good reason to quit is for the people close to you. Secondhand smoke has been shown to be dangerous because it causes cancer, and other health problems. Quitting reduces your family’s exposure to secondhand smoke, so they will be less likely to get seriously ill if you quit. Quitting will make both you and those you love healthier.
A very important factor to stop smoking is to have a good attitude and lots of motivation. Think positively about how your life is going to be so much better once you quit smoking. Your teeth will look whiter, your clothes will no longer smell like smoke, and your breath will make you far more kissable. It can be beneficial to think about the positive and negative changes that result from quitting, so as to not scare people away.
The best thing you can do to start your cigarette free lifestyle is to just quit smoking. The best way to begin your quest is by stopping altogether. Stop yourself, immediately, and never look back. The cold turkey method will seem very difficult. However, dropping cigarettes altogether has been proven to work quite well.
Make sure to thoroughly clean your home when you decide to quit smoking, if you normally smoke inside. This includes carpets, curtains, walls and even furniture. This will make your house smell clean and fresh, and a smoky smell will not greet you whenever you enter your home.
Think of strategies that provide frequent visual reminders to keep your mind motivated constantly. This can be accomplished by posting motivational sayings in your office, or by wearing bracelets to symbolize your intentions. Whichever method you chose, a visual reminder should help you to battle your tobacco and nicotine cravings.
Consider ahead of time how you are going to handle stress in your life. Many smokers respond to stress by lighting up another cigarette. If you possess a backup plan of options available, you will be less likely to light up. Make sure the list has more than one option on it, in case you need access to more.
Try to maximize exercise and lifting during the course of the day. When you stop smoking, you will immediately notice an improvement in lung health and increased breathing capacity, allowing you to exercise more easily. Regular physical exercise can also help you to keep your body weight under control. The endorphins released during exercising can fulfill your nicotine cravings to a certain extent.
Quitting Smoking
Realize that quitting smoking is something positive in your life, rather than something negative. When you look at any task positively, including quitting smoking, it is easier to stay focused and motivated. Keep in mind how beneficial it is going to be to your health and quality of life, and that there are far more reasons to quit than to keep smoking. These benefits should improve your chances of quitting with effectiveness.
Substitue a healthy habit like exercise for your smoking. You’ll get an endorphin boost that will keep you from worrying as much about cigarettes. Also, when you exercise, your body’s metabolism is offset which can help keep your weight in check because when you quit smoking, your body reacts by decreasing things like your metabolism.
Create a mantra of the most important reasons you have to stop smoking. Every time your resolve wavers, repeat the reasons you’re quitting until you don’t crave tobacco. This is valuable way to use your mental strength to overpower the withdrawal yearnings you might encounter and refocus it on things that are important to you.
As you have just learned through this article, you can quit smoking if you truly apply yourself. It is essential that you remain resolute and adhere to any plans that you settle on for yourself. If you follow these step and utilize the advice that was shared in this article, you should soon be living a smoke-free life.
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