Meditation technique of perception

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1 Answer.for all questions – This also will pass…

This meditation procedure is different from thje meditation techniques. This technique involves thinking more than life also is actually a contemplation exercise. Though people of all age may try this procedure, it is basically acceptable for people with older age (I mean 18 & above). The reason is that only individuals who have dwelt a specific (substantial) duration of life may reflect back on their past. Very young folks that are still at the first phase of the life are less likely (although not impossible) to analyze their life in the angle which this meditation demands. However, this meditation method is extremely helpful for knowing our authentic self.


To start this thought provoking story:-

Once a king asked them and called upon All his men,

” Is there a headline or proposal which works in every situation, in every circumstances, in every place and in every moment. When none of you, something which may help me is available to inform me. Tell me is there any marvel?”

All wise guys got confounded by King’s query. 1 answer for all query? Something which works in each situation? In each defeat each delight every sorrow and each success? They thought and thought. Following a lengthy conversation, something which appeal to all of these was suggested by an older man. They moved to king and gave him a thing written in your paper. However, the state was that king wasn’t to see it. Just in extreme danger, if the King finds himself alone and that now there appears to be no way, only then he will need to watch it. The papers are put by the King .

Following a couple of days, the neighbors assault the Kingdom. It was a collective surprise assault of King’s enemies. King and his army fought but lost the struggle. King had to lie to his horse. He was being followed by the enemies. His horse took him far away in Jungle. He would hear troops of horses have been after him and the noise was coming closer and closer. Unexpectedly the King found himself standing at the end of the street – which street wasn’t moving anyplace. Underneath there was a rocky valley thousand feet deep. If he jumped into it, he’d be finishedand that he could not return because it was a roadFrom back the sound of the horses of enemy was approaching. King became anxious. There seemed to be no manner.

Then he saw the Diamond in his ring in the sun, and he recalled the message concealed in the ring. He read the message and opened the bead. The message was very excellent although very small.

The message was -” This too will pass”

The King read it. Again browse it. Suddenly something strike in his head – Yes! It also will pass. Just a couple of days before, I enjoyed my kingdom. I was the mightiest of all the Kings. Yet the Kingdom along with his pleasure have gone. I am here trying to escape from enemies. When these days of luxuries have gone, this afternoon of danger will pass. There come A calm in his face. He kept standing there. The place where he stood was full of natural beauty. He had never known that such a place was a part of the Kingdom. Message’s revelation had a terrific effect on him. He forget about people after him and also relaxed. After a couple of minute he realized that the noise of also the enemy and also the horses was receding. They proceeded into some other portion of the mountains and weren’t on this path.

The King was very brave. He reorganized his army and fought. He conquered the enemy and recover his empire. He was received with much fan fare at the door After he returned after success to his empire. The capital rejoiced at the success. Everybody was in a festive mood. Flowers have been thrown from each house King, from each corner. People were dancing and singing. For a minute King said ,” I am one of the bravest and greatest King. It’s not easy to conquer me.: With all the reception and party he saw a self emerging in him.

Unexpectedly the Diamond informed him and of his ring flashed in the sun. He offered it and see it :”This too will pass”

He became quiet. His head went through a change -in the egoist he moved to a state of humbleness.

If this also will pass, it is none.
The defeat wasn’t yours, the success is not yours.
You are simply a watcher. Everything passes by

We’re witness of all this. We’re the perceiver. Life go and come. Happiness go and come. Sorrow go and come.

As you have read this story, simply sit silently and assess your life. This also will pass. Think of the minutes of joy and success in your lifetime. Think of the second of Sorrow and conquer. Are they really permanent. They move away and come. Life just goes off.

There were friends previously. They have gone.
There are friends now. They also will go.
There’ll be friends everywhere. They also will go.

There were enemies previously. They’ve gone.
There might be enemy in current. They also will go.
There’ll be enemies everywhere and….they also will go.

There is nothing permanent in the world. Every thing changes except the law of change. Think it over in your own perspective. All the changes have been seen by you. You’ve endured all drawbacks, all beats and all of sorrows. We all have passed off. They also will pass off Whether there are issues in the current. Since nothing stays forever. Joy and sorrow are the 2 faces of the exact identical coin. They will pass off. Who are you in fact? Know your actual face. Your face is not your face. It will change with the moment. However, there is. It will stay unchanged. What’s that unchangeable? It’s nothing but your self.

You are simply a witness of change. Expertise it, comprehend it.

Everyday for 10-15 minutes sit in silence. Only consider the sentence,” This too will pass” Pondering on your life will make you realize the real significance of the sentence. Everything passes yet your identity remains the same. That you is your authentic self. To know itself is meditation.

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