Southland Tales. As in Tales from Southern California, but another California, in which Dwayne The Rock Johnson is an action star turned prophet, Justin Timberlake is a veteran of Iraq,” Sean-William Scott is really a pair of twins, also Sarah Michelle-Gellar is a porn star named Krysta Now. No-one rocks the cock like Krysta. Or were told. You never really see her rocking the penis, and she is welcome.
But the film doesnt attempt to pander. It’s doesnt pander. It is by far and away the very experimental film to come out of Hollywood recently, if you dismiss David Lynch.
To start with, the film version of Southland Tales is really chapters four, five and even six. Hey if Star Wars did it The first few chapters are found from the Southland Tales graphic novel, which really makes more sense in itself and of the film as a whole, explaining the many theories behind the film, whereas the film itself drops the audience in the middle of a world that is far removed from the one we live in.
There is a proposal written while which foretells the End of Days, wi-fi energy known as Fluid Karma, and some time. Thus, everything you’d expect from the intelligence behind Donnie Darko.
The film is really a mess, but an intriguing one. Part of the disconnected plot is concerned with the enigma that is the Book Of Revelations located from the Bible, and you might view this as its modern cinematic counterpart. Some view Revelations as a puzzle to be solved, including a code. Richard Kellys film is trying to drive this, using the picture book and also the movies site to further the narrative and the perplexing plotlines inside, very literally forcing the audience to actively search it out, or even, because most people did, walk out of the cinema.
Although this cross-media, story/puzzle thing is a daring move, the film has to stand on its legs, which, regrettably, it does not. It is wonderful and bizarre, annoying and infuriating, littered with amazing performances along with also ones that are godawful. It will no doubt follow Darko in becoming a cult film, especially on DVD.
We don’t recommend seeing this film, but you have to see it. It is the road.
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