Everyone knows the health risks attributed to smoking, but it is still very difficult to stop smoking. If you want to stop smoking, you might just need a push to get you on the right path. The advice below will help you get started.
One aid to help you in quitting is to make a list of reasons why you should quit smoking, and also the reasons why you resist quitting. Writing out the benefits can help to elucidate the advantages of the action you are taking. Not only can you find motivation to continue your journey in this way, but your trek might become easier since you can concentrate more.
Quit smoking as easily as possible. Cold turkey may not be the most effective approach for you. If you try this out, you will undoubtedly fail! Because nicotine is very addictive, you should utilize some type of therapy, medication, or a patch. Using these aids will make your efforts at kicking the habit much easier than it will be without them.
When you’ve made the decision that smoking is no longer for you, seek out a support group for help. Talking to your peers will help you to find new techniques for fighting cravings, have emotional support and find new non-smoking friends. These types of people can be a great backbone that can help you quit, and get through this. Check your newspaper and local hospital for support resources.
10 Minutes
If you are overwhelmed by the urge to smoke try using the delay tactic. By telling yourself that you’ll see how you feel in 10 minutes, and then distracting your mind and body during that time, you will normally find that 10 minutes later, the craving will have passed. If this does not happen right away, keep repeating this technique.
To avoid experiencing weight gain after you quit smoking, eat a healthy diet filled with fruits and vegetables. This can help avoid, or at least minimize, the weight gain often associated with smoking cessation. Eating more is okay as long as you make the right choices.
Try therapy that involves nicotine replacement. This type of therapy aims to reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, including depression, restlessness, and irritability. Cravings for a cigarette can be very powerful. You can help alleviate these feelings by using nicotine-replacement therapy. You will have twice the chance of giving up smoking if you use reliable nicotine patches, lozenges or gum. Do not use the nicotine-replacement products if you are still smoking cigarettes.
When you are quitting smoking, you need to avoid the triggers that you always associated with smoking. For instance, if you always smoke when you are talking on the phone, than you need to find something else to do with your hands, or go to a different room to talk so that you do not think about lighting a cigarette. Look for a positive alternative to fill the time and distract your mind.
Would switching brands help you in your goal? By switching to a brand you don’t like the taste of, you may not want a cigarette as often as before. Cut back on the number of cigarettes you smoke in a day or inhale them differently. This will help you in your efforts to quit.
Consider cutting back on your smoking. This can begin the process of quitting the habit altogether. Avoid smoking when you first wake up. Try smoking only half a cigarette to reduce your smoking.
If you smoke at home, do a thorough cleaning of your living space, once you decide to quit. You should clean your upholstery and carpets, cleanse the walls and have your curtains and drapes cleaned. Your entire house will be refreshed, and the stale smoke odor will not linger around to remind you of smoking.
Find a method to remind yourself of your motivation at all times. This might mean keeping an inspirational quote or image at work or in your wallet to remember why you’re quitting. Having visual cues reminding you of your goals will help you to fight temptation.
Plan in advance how you are going to respond to stress without turning to cigarettes. Many smokers are used to lighting up when something stressful happens. When you have a concrete plan, it is much easier to avoid smoking. Keep a list of several distractions that you can use in case one doesn’t work.
NO needs to be part of your mantra. Though you may be tempted to smoke during times of stress, do not allow those urges to undo your hard work. Think about how damaging having just one cigarette could be before you ever even have the craving.
Now is the time to stop smoking. Do not procrastinate and identify a start date a few months down the road; today is the perfect time to begin. The more you smoke, the higher chance you will have of catching a disease, due to smoking. You will also be protecting your family from the dangers of secondhand smoke. These things should make quitting even more important to you.
Start working out as soon as you quit smoking. When you stop smoking, you will immediately notice an improvement in lung health and increased breathing capacity, allowing you to exercise more easily. It can also help to avoid putting on pounds thanks to a slower metabolic rate. Even though endorphins produced from exercise does not replace nicotine cravings, it can reduce the urge.
If you fail your first time quitting, try not to become discouraged. A lot of people fail even if they are properly motivated. Figure out what went awry and learn from the episode prior to beginning your efforts all over again. You might find success in the same situation the next time.
Most people have trouble giving up their smoking habit, but there are some strategies that can make the process less difficult. By following the advice and tips in this article, quitting the habit will be much easier. You can protect your own health and your family’s by quitting today.
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