Peace On Earth, A Wonderful Wish, But No Way

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If asked,”If you could wish for one thing only, what do you wish be?” Almost everybody; out of beauty pagent contestants, to politicians, to spiritual leaders, to children, to the average person on the street says,”Peace On Earth” or”An end to all wars”. Those wishes, while exemplary, are meaningless. As long as people exist that there will not be peace in the world.

has never been peace in the world. Cavemen fought with cavemen over land, food as well as girls. Cain killed Abel over God’s respect. Gabriel blew down the walls of Jericho. America fought the Revolutionary War for liberty and brother fought brother at our War to get more liberty. There have always been wars and there will be wars.

There will be wars. Wars over such concepts as liberty, honour, dignity, etc.. Wars over land, greed, power, bias, etc.. War is a part of character. As an example, every human being prejudiced. If they don’t like any race, nationality or religion, they don’t like men and women that are tall or short or skinny or fat or smart or not smart or silent or loud. Some people don’t like children, some folks don’t like old men and women, some folks don’t like people with pets, or people who play their music too loud, or bad drivers, or people who believe in God or people who don’t believe in God. What is proper and right to a individuals can be maybe enraging or erroneous to men and women.

Religion can not stop wars, in fact many wars are fought over religion (Note: I feel that religion is used as an excuse for warfare not the actual reason for war) . Christians fought against Muslims during the Crusades, Many Muslims desire death for all non citizens. The Catholic Church killed heretics . The Nazis then started killing Catholics and killed millions of Jews. Anyone was killed by Even the Russians under Stalin religious. For being the wrong kind of Protestant, Protestants were killed by protestants. Muslims killed Muslims for being the wrong type of Muslim. Do not overlook Atheists (I feel that Atheism is also a religion, it’s a religion of non belief) , Stalin was an Atheist and wanted to eliminate all religion. Most of the leaders of China also have jailed and killed and are Atheists huge numbers of men and women. History is rife with many types of religious conflicts.

The reason for warfare, however, is the lust for power. The capability to create others do and think as you can and believe, the capability to make different men and women leave frees you what you believe is rightfully yoursthe capability to make different men and women treat you when you believe you should be medicated, the capability to gain what you need (ie: cash, love, respect, etc.), the power to punish others for doing things which you don’t believe they should do, the capability to prevent other from having thoughts or things you don’t need. The ability to be to make everybody else as their ruler in your picture with you.

Provided that people have the capacity to believe, there will be prejudice, greed, greed and anger. There will be wars. Many folks today believe, either religiously or secularly, at the rules set down in the Ten Commandments, since our capacity to believe causes us to desire, but people are able to adhere to these rules of the time. Wanting causes us to violate all of the rules or some. Humans are not perfect. If they had been they wouldn’t be human.

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