Many smokers are unaware of the serious detriments smoking can bring into their lives. It affects how you appear, as nicotine could cause your clothes to smell like smoke and it could also stain your teeth. An even greater concern is that there are health risks associated with it. You can reverse many of the ill effects of tobacco abuse, by quitting smoking for good. If quitting seems impossible, the tips in this article can help to make it easier for you.
Try exercising or joining a gym to keep you from smoking, and to better your health. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and to gain a healthier attitude. If you are not a very active person, you can start slowly with going for walks regularly. Talk to your doctor before starting any exercise routine.
If you absolutely must have a cigarette now, try delaying it for a while. By telling yourself to wait 10 minutes, you can find you can manage the craving for that short amount of time. If the craving hasn’t passed, then repeat the first step again.
Make sure you have a strong support group of friends and family members, when you decide to quit smoking. Make it clear that you need support but that it won’t help if they are judgmental. You should inform them that it’s likely you’ll be in a bad mood at first and that you probably won’t think clearly. It is not easy to stop smoking, and you need to have support from your loved ones during this process.
If you cannot quit cold turkey, replace your cigarettes with nicotine patches or gums. These products give your body nicotine without the need to use cigarettes, helping you avoid withdrawal symptoms while breaking the actual habit of smoking.
Replacement Therapy
You may want to try nicotine replacement therapy. The effects of nicotine withdrawal can cause depression, moodiness and frustration. Cravings can be extremely tough to resist. Nicotine-replacement therapy will help diminish these feelings. Such therapy can effectively double your chances of quitting. Be careful not to use these products while still smoking, though.
Make a commitment to quitting smoking before you begin figuring out how to do so. A lot of people are unable to quit smoking successfully because they are not sufficiently committed, or do not approach it with the proper mindset. Remember why you want to quit, and remind yourself often.
You will be more successful if you do not attempt to shoulder the entire burden of smoking cessation. Enlist the help of your friends and family. It is also a good idea to make use of a support group. Meeting other people who want to quit will help you stay motivated and you will be able to share tips.
To avoid cracking under the pressure of cravings and nicotine withdrawal, find healthy ways to deal with the resulting stress. You could exercise once a day, find new hobbies or perhaps get massages. You could put your focus on a game or enjoyable book instead of smoking. Even a visit with a good friend can keep your mind off smoking.
When you are going to quit smoking, let your family and friends know. They can provide a valuable resource and help you through tough times. It’s hard to quit without a support system. This will increase your chances of success significantly, and get you to where you want.
Keeping a positive attitude can be the extra motivation to stop smoking. All you need do is realize how your life is going to be so much better once you have finally quit. Think about a fresher breath, better teeth, and a cleaner home, for instance. There are plenty of reasons to quit smoking – what are yours?
One of the best things you can do to help yourself quit is to not falter if you have a relapse in judgement. Quite a few people who have quit smoking made multiple attempts before achieving success. Every time you try to quit, make it a goal to go longer without a cigarette than the last time you tried. If you do experience a setback, set a quit date and get back on track. Just keep at it and try to extend the amount of time you quit, while you learn what triggered you into smoking again each time. Eventually, you will get good at doing this, and you will quit and not go back.
You need to look for ways to have high motivation at all times. This could involve placing motivational notes on the wall of your office, or donning a bracelet to signify your intentions. Regardless, find a visual way to resist temptation so you don’t crave a cigarette.
Stop smoking immediately. Do not halfheartedly set a quit date that is two months from now, make today THE day! Quitting smoking has immediate health effects, and starts to reduce the risk of developing some deadly medical conditions right away. You also will improve your family’s health by protecting them from secondhand smoke, making it a greater motivation to quit.
Consult your physician on medications that you could use in helping you quit. Lots of medical advances have been made in quitting smoking. There are so many potential treatments available, including therapy and medications to help you overcome tobacco addiction. Ask a physician what they’d recommend so you can quit.
If you know that you have an oral fixation as part of your addiction, find other things so your mouth stays active. Many people who stop smoking like to carry hard candy or gum with them for this reason. Others use electronic cigarettes, which mimics the act of smoking, and provides something to hold in the hand as well.
While stopping smoking won’t be easy, it will be worth it when you see how it affects your health, your appearance and your social life. After reading the above article, hopefully you are more confident in your decision to stop smoking once and for all. Choose a few and start today!
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