Sacred Sex

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Sex is what brought us all here. Without sex, you and I will not be here.

There is nothing dirty or cheap about sex. It is the attitude towards sex which makes it even and precious. It fulfills the purpose of procreation, it could be a way to perpetrate the most heinous crime.
It is important to be aware of our spirituality, we must acknowledge its importance as a variable for a lifestyle that is balanced. It is the fire which keeps the flames of love aglow, the fiber which keeps a relationship together it is refreshing, it is healing.

Respect for sex add meaning to associations and our human existence.

We treat reverence these things we hold dear to our hearts.Activities that we like leaves us with that sense of achievement, of pride, and which makes us feel good.

Music is regarded as the language of the soul. Who does not like music? It is one of the amazing pleasures humanity. Because there are performers, composers and song writers You can find as many songs, music and songs.

Sex is an essential component of human existence.The reflection of sex has many faces, strikes many awards, makes many different speed, of harmony or dis-harmony. Who does not admire amazing and amazing environment; welcome and seek tranquility and serenity, away from the frenzy of the world. Yes, both atmosphere and expression produce and inspire the second for the experience.
We don’t subscribe to the same type of music, but there must be something a tune that promotes a certain disposition. Listening to music is soothing, it is motivational, it quietens a head.

There’s not any human activity that could compare to sex which could elevate the soul, the individual spirit to ecstasy, out of the physical world to a world just the two physical bodies can experience.No, it is the”quickie”, not the one from the backseat, or even any isolated dim spot that’s available at the moment.

In the event you’ve been to a concert, a recital, attended to a symphony, then you don’t just”run”into these events. Sex is like attending one of these events- to enjoy it, the moment was set aside by you, the tools required, you intend on the when and how will follow. It is not. It is a unique occasion that you look forward to with anticipation. Obviously,spontaneity adds pizzazz.

Not a sacred time for sex that is sacred? Anyone who is curious to find out more about the”How to”, the sources are limitless- read on Tantric Sex, get a copy of the Kama Sutra. But, no matter how much information you read on sex, if the attitude to elevate it into something sacred is not there, it would be difficult to have the bliss, the sense of fulfillment sex and the ecstasy can offer. Expression is a personal matter, so is the encounter.

There is music, and there is music. Some people enjoy the singer who belts out the voice, in motion or constant gyration. They view the singer, is the tune heard by them? There are others That Are very content with all the blues, or state pace, a few move for ballads, but, there is always room for the recognition of the songs of the Excellent masters, don’t mistake it for the lift music..Many of the great songs have”popular hits” versions that appeal to most.Take Beethoven’s Fifth, Chopin’s Nocturne in B Flat ( To Love Again), Mozart’s Eich Nacht Music ( Twinlke, Twinkle Little Star)

Sacred sex is like attending a symphony- the orchestra and its sections play with their role – the percussion, the end instruments, the strings, the woodwind, the drums and cymbals and other sections that I overlook. What does these have to do with sex? When elevated that it can be, every part of the body is able to be tuned in just such as the sections of the orchestra, to produce that pleasant, enjoyable, uplifting and gratifying music.

Listen to some fantastic music, it’s not all 1 beat, one, chord. Celebrate the adagio, enjoy the cantabile, the sweetness of the dolce, then since the orchestra progresses to forte, fortissimo, con anima, 30, make exhilarated. . It starts to slow down, then go into ritartando, a few endings real soft or bombastic, but always passionate. Notice that after each performance of the symphony, are seconds of quiet, when you hear a soundtakes his bow.

Two souls can reach out during moments of familiarity in the depths of the being of each other. It is tough to translate work of art, and feel the artist’s fire, understand what was on his head when creating his job. But music is different. The celebrity has the freedom to express the inner stirrings with passion that radiates through the performance, filters into the spectators, within the soul, and Revel in the transformation to a world and savor the peace
Within the soul.

In sacred sex, it will help to understand the human anatomy, to fine tune yes, all these components to stir the relaxing and ecstatic act. Love it, when two souls can reach this state of oneness, and respect itthat is sacred sex.

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