Seven Things You Should Do To Help You Prepare For Exams

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Alright, would everyone who enjoys Tests please put your hands up? Thats simply lift them up nice and high. No, No, no one. Not one person. If you’re a sane person, like me, you may hate exams. They are stressful, a great deal of function and all in all a fact of life. That’s correct, a fact of life. When people leave college 13 years of college, after 12, they are usually led to a false sense of safety which their lives will probably be free from examinations and study for . WRONG!!!

Look, the main point is that no matter what you do, in this day and age you’re always going to be in a situation where you’ll have to do some sort of exam, while it’s to receive your permit to drive a car, to get a promotion on the job or to find a University degree, we are going to be confronted with having to do some type of exam. Even at my personal computer training centre, when you come to understand how to use Microsoft Office you have the chance to put on a certificate from Microsoft in using Microsoft Office, but to get it, you still have to perform an exam. However, there are certain things you can do this can help you prepare to get you examinations and give you a better prospect of passing.

1. Make Sure You Read All the Material Provided Following Lectures

The number one mistake people make when they perform and come any training, such as computer training is that do not re-read and go through all of the material they covered during the lectures of doing the lecture over seven days. So for example, if you do a one day computer training course, you want to go back through all of the material within seven days.


There is lots of scientific study that has been undertaken that reveals, should you not reinforce the material you’ve learned within seven weeks of hearing it, that you may 50% of the knowledge within the next seven weeks. You will loose 50% of those 50% left, which means you will simply remember 25% of the content if the substance is not reviewed by you in 21 days. Some reveals that for each 7 days you leave reviewing the content you keep loosing 50% of the remaining information which means after the course that you understanding on the topic. If the substance hasn’t been review, the retained knowledge will be almost none, so you might as well not wasted you in attending the course in the first place.

Perhaps you have been to a few of financial planning seminars or those tax seminars? Perhaps you have noticed that they just give you enough info to bear in mind the great things, they do not give you a training pack to remind you of the possible flaws of the solutions, that’s because they use the exact issues outlined earlier by which as time continues, you may just remember the things you have fortified.

2. Ensure You Redo All The Practical Exercises

Exercises included. For example when our computer training classes are being done by you, you may do a bit of theory and a practical exercise. It is extremely important that when you leave your training which you go back through those practical exercises as they’ll help fortify the theory you’ve learnt.

Let say for example, you studied accounting. One of those things you’re educated in accounting is how to make a manual set of novels such as the Journals, Ledgers and Trial Balance. Throughout your course you would be given practical exercises to make your personal Journals etc and it’s extremely important that you redo those exercises on your time to fortify the elements you’ve learnt and also the procedure too.

Yet another case for college student, if you’re analyzing state chemistry or chemistry, one of the prerequisites that you have would be to do certain experiments in a laboratory. It is absolutely critical that you practice those exercises as they’ll help fortify the theory you’ve learned. In the case of University studies faculties will allow you to reserve laboratory time to practice your own exercises.

3. Do A Minimum of 4 Hours Study Per Week Per Subject

People often say to me how much study we should be doing each week. Well, in fact, it really does depend on the course you’re doing. As an example if you’re studying medicine or law, you’ll discover that you will need almost the same period of time to study because possible attend lectures, so you’re considering 40 hours of study time per week.

However, for computer training classes or IT classes where you’re analyzing for Certifications you’ll realize that in the event you allocate 4 hours per week per topic, that it will be sufficient to study the content and to become proficient at it. Make note though that the study period doesn’t contain doing your exercises that are functional, the analysis period is also.

4. When Studying Have Light Music On

As I write this I can hear all of the parents on earth cringing and crying out stating, NO! Well in reality, when you listen to the perfect music, music could in fact raise your capacity to keep the content you’re studying. Briefly, study shows that baroque music at 60 beats per minute causes your mind to make more alpha [calmness] waves. This happens on both right and left sides of your mind.

This simply means that you calm down and relax, in a sense very similar to when you whistle a happy tune, or whenever you daydream. This”alpha” state of head is great for learning, imagination, or simply relaxing. Baroque Music also makes the ideal background music for a great many training from pre-school to authorities”think tanks” It is employed in schools all over Australia. A quote by the teacher of a remedial class in Australia:”It appears to slow them down so that they can believe.”

Corporate trainers can enhance the efficacy of coaching sessions dramatically by playing Baroque Music during a session. . A colleague uses the audio as foundation for his memory coaching seminars and swears by it because remember and imagination are improved.

In addition, I suggest listening to Baroque Music until you actually attend your exam as this will allow you to enhance you calmness and focus prior to undertaking the test and since you have used this music during your study schedule, it will help prompt the content to come to the forefront of you mind.

5. Review Past Tests

This is only one of the most essential things each person must do prior to sitting an exam and that’s to examine as many previous examinations as you can. In most University courses, you’ll discover that every year the lecturer will in fact lodge the preceding year’s examinations from the Library to be used by the pupils. My recommendation has always been to go and photocopy the exam when possible and then study the test as much as possible. Some colleges and universities allow you to do others do not.

There are a number of important reasons for doing this. The preceding examinations will provide you an insight to the means by which the lecturers arrangement the exam questions and in addition, they give you an excellent indication of the kinds of queries which lecturers are likely to put on the examinations, particularly in the event that you have four or three years worth of previous exam papers.

I’d one lecturer at the college I was studying at, that each year he would undergo this one question on the board prior to exam as part of the pre-exam build up then put that exact question to the test papers. You would be amazed the amount of people who didn’t take note during the pre-exam briefings and thus would find that exam question incorrect. Incidentally, I was one of those people who made it wrong. Thus, it’s definitely worth taking note.

If you’re analyzing Microsoft Certifications or IT Certifications my strong recommendation is that you access pre-assessment substance from firms including Self-Test Software or Transcender because they’re a really good representation of the kinds of questions that you may face in the real exams. One thing to notice though, do not rely just on the queries in those pre-assessment examinations as in the event that you do, you will not pass the exam. The pre-assessment tests are just indicators of this substance you will need to understand and whether you have a fantastic comprehension of the stuff. They definitely do not ensure a pass. I’ve seen too many pupils over time rely on these types of substance simply, to find they fail, since the exams have changed or have new places not initially covered. Always make certain you have a look at the program for the exam and also that you understand each of the areas the program specifies. Never presume that certain things will be from the examinations because you most likely will be incorrect.

6. Take a Colleague Compose Practice Tests and Questions for You

If you’re doing long term study at a college or University it’s always worthwhile to try to form a study group. Even when you’re working in a corporate setting and working in a team that’s doing study try to make a study group to assist you with research workers. The reason I recommend this, is so that you can all work together and correct into a series of practice tests and questions to get each other to try to reply.

See, the key with passing any test is practice. The more practice you have and vulnerability to the numerous ways questions may be possibly structured the more inclined you’ll pass the exam. Getting each person in you study team to write practice exams and queries helps them, as they will need to know the correct answer and how to structure the right answer, which will help reinforce the content for them.

If you’re studying in a corporate environment and you have those who have done the examinations before, make them write a set of training tests. It might be even better if you can get three or four colleagues to actually write some practice tests for you as they will provide you such a variant that you will be able to recognize areas you might not have covered sufficiently.

I’ve employed this technique a great deal and in different jobs I’ve held. I was trying to find a government service many years ago and had to pass was used to be called in Australia an Austel exam. This required a technician to pass two examinations. What we did in our branch was supposed to get our foreman and leading hand who had completed the examinations to actually write a series of practice questions in order that we can become proficient with the form of answers we would have to deal with. The result was that I scored 100% on a single test and 96% on the next test, so it paid off for me.

7. Take the Time to Meditate

Alright, I can hear it now,”Oh Yeah Hippy, Want Us to do .” Absolutely! Appearance whilst meditation has been something of fringe bands in american society or correlated with much more eastern religions many researchers are currently coming to the distinct conclusion that meditation may produce a huge difference to our daily lives.

The core benefit meditation will play on your research is to allow you to relax. The more relaxed you’re more creative and the more easy it will be to learn the content for your exam. I surely recommend that if you’re meditating, because it will help boost the waves that will help lead you to a calm 34,, you use baroque music with your meditation.

The main point is that, there’s absolutely not any shortcut to conquering examinations but if you place the work in they do not have to be a life and death battle. Whilst there is no fool proof way to pass test, placing the work in will certainly indicate that you should see much better test results and hopefully the outcomes you’re looking for.

To finish my essay off I wish to highlight the aforementioned things you should do in order to assist you prepare you.

1. Make Sure You Read The Materials After Lectures
2. Ensure you update all functional exercises
3. Do A Minimum of 4 hour Study Each Week Subject
4. When Studying Have Light Music On
5. Review Past Tests
6. Have Questions for You and a Colleague Compose Practice Tests
7. Take Time

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