What’s it all about tension and stress management that everyone has their panties up in a bunch of now-a-days? I suggest we actually feel that our society today is more stressed out of straight back in the days when people were dying right and left, eaten with creatures, starving, being shot by arrows, etc.. I mean you’ve got to be kidding me ? Well yes and no. The simple fact is that people that are stressed out by today’s standards have significantly more life limiting diseases such as cancer and heart disease and these are also. This is compared to the day people that do along with also the average person who does not face any of the anxieties such as those cited above.
What the hell is happening? There has been a whole lot of research done about the disposition of stress as well as the mechanisms which were designed by God in our own bodies. Most people have heard of this response and this turns out to be a mechanism which affects our health. What has changed? This mechanism has been helpful to our own ancestors as they coped with anxiety –a life preserving instead of life limiting procedure. It ends up that the sort of stress that we face today turns the immediate life threats in addition to out this system on almost but it isn’t absorbed by our bodies and thus it moves unnaturally unchecked and requires its toll. We need a different type of stress management by running away in the beast that tried to consume us than we obviously got.
Exercise is one obvious sort of stress management that helps to consume or absorb some of their sympathetic tone that’s your”fight-or-flight” reaction to job and life stress. It does things like check the greater heart rate and also the large levels of insulin and other hormones in our body, and it provides us natural mood enhancing chemicals (endorphins) which counter the pressure response too. Another facet is the reaction to stress that needs to be addressed.
Partly or emotional and mental health is addressed by exercise but it also should be addressed in terms of some of the behaviours that we choose to dull instead of fix our pressure reaction. We need to find methods for thinking instead of use chemicals such as nicotine, alcohol, and drugs to conceal our moods. We need to train our minds to think. We need to find vents and alternative activities like artwork and release. Also be outside side to get and also we need to eat. Only then will we be in a wholesome and life extending way, coming stress management.
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