Stress – The Silent Killer. Part 1

Stress – The Silent Killer. Part 1
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Learn how to recognise the signs before you end up in a crumpled heap!

Stress – it’s part of life is not it? Stress is great!

We subject ourselves to stress all of the timewe need a little stress, at work and in our everyday lives. Without pressure and stress we’d simply get nothing done, we would not achieve anything! Stress is a positive force when it invigorates your life and allows you to realise your dreams. Therefore, the longer, the better afterward?

Well, consider it for a minute and be careful what you wish for. As we need oxygen from the atmosphere we breathe to endure, pure oxygen will destroy us. Therefore it is with anxiety, we want a few, but at what stage does anxiety subsequently becomes counter productive and a destructive force in our own lives?

How can you perceive anxiety?

Would you want the”Buzz” of the last minute deadline?
Can you really get a”Hurry” in the duties of a high-pressure circumstance?
Can you really get a”High” by making a scenario that creates anger or anxiety?
Can you mention to a workmates”I thrive on stress”?
Can you”live in fear” to your work?
Can you”Worry” always about your skills on the job?
Can you”Stress” contest on the job?
Can you”Change” behind the wheel of your vehicle?

Our physiological reaction to stress manifests itself within our own bodies, by generating stimulants and other stress hormones, which act as mood changing devices, therefore we become not as aware of pain, both physical and psychological. We can place ourselves a harmful precedent here, if we decide to ignore the signals that our bodies use to frighten us that we’re making ourselves vunerable to breakdown. Ignore this advice at your own peril!

A standard symptom of anxiety is that a men lack of respect for and enjoyment ofeating. The stimulants and other stress hormones that makes us tired, irritable and upset, completely disrupts our digestive purpose. In addition, we often make bad decisions about eating when we are stressed either during time limits or even a desire to eat food. In accordance with your mood this will cause a reduction of hunger, depleting the body of vitamins, minerals and nutrition, resulting in weight loss and bad health, or fat reduction, via a diet of junk food eaten at a hurry, resulting in gastrointestinal disorders as well as other weight-related issues. Inadequate nutrition will further impair your immunity to disease and let different indicators of anxiety to grow. It is a downward spiral.

Stress hormones are tremendously effective and also have side effects which may literally kill you. Anxiety becomes a bad thing when it reaches a level beyond that you feel in control no more, when you end up feeling stressed, uncomfortable and tired.
It is not only the man that seems likely to fall dead from a stroke or a heart attack that is at danger. Stress hormones may lead to nausea and other acute gastro-intestinal troubles, diabetes, higher blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. These compounds can also be causal factors in a multitude of psychological problems like depression and stress. In addition, it can weaken the immune system, making you more prone to disease and affects the body’s capacity to heal.

Ask yourself – am I worried am I in denial?
How much pressure is too much anxiety?

Well, we are all unique, and everyone experiences stress differently.

So how can we go about recognising the signals before it becomes a severe issue?
First, assess these lists and be truthful with yourself. If you begin to display some of the symptoms, they might be warning signs your anxiety levels are getting to be a cause for concern. Your body and your feelings are trying to offer you a more”wake-up” telephone number. Listen to what your body is telling you.

– Upset stomach
– Stomach aches
– reduction of desire
– Acute headaches
– Dizziness
– Irritability
– Nervous Tick or Blinking
– Insomnia
– Persistent fatigue
– Pain in the neck and back and shoulders
– Stiff neck and back or shoulders
– Teeth Grinding
– Poor attention and memory

The way you feel can signal signs of stress also, Start Looking for the following:
– Anxious
– Depressed
– Frustrated
– Hustled
– Overloaded
– Pressured
– Tense
– Worried

Identifying stress in the first phases makes it much easier to take care of. Good habits could be embraced to make sure you have a fantastic work/life equilibrium and anxiety reduction becomes a manageable exercise.

Learn how to recognise the signs that anxiety is beginning to develop and be ready to act fast on the issues resulting in this, because difficulties appear to increase in intensity if they aren’t dealt with. The aid will be instantaneous and you will be happy that you did.
It is necessary to realise that you have options and learning how to correctly manage anxiety will make you a happier person and actually will enhance your life.

If we’re honest with ourselveswe could recognise the signs that pressure is reaching an unnatural amount, but naturally it is different for everybody. The problem can be serious once the victim is responsible for the obvious, when anxiety levels can subsequently reach intolerable levels prior to the victim has a severe, occasionally catastrophic health catastrophe.

Anxiety can lead to severe illness and even though it does not go to do this; it may make you thoroughly miserable in the meantime. This guide is not supposed to frighten, but to make you aware and also to inspire one to take preventative action before it is too late.

In Section 2 of this guide we will look at anxiety reduction and research a lot of simple tips which you may use, which can be sure-fire stress busters that can allow you to clear the mess and return the sparkle into your brain.

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