Do you find that you feel harried, rushed and that you never have enough time? Is keeping a schedule very challenging for you? Do you really want to enhance your skills for time management? If that is the case, the tips ahead will be great for your overall time management.
Staying a day ahead of schedule at all times is an excellent way to manage your time. If you can, be sure you start working on what you need done tomorrow before the day arrives. You can make a to-do list at the end of the day to clear your mind. With jobs written in front of you, you can start them right away.
Be careful as you set your schedule. Give yourself enough time to accomplish a task without rushing through it and making mistakes. In this way, you can make good use of your time and enjoy your life more. If you find yourself with some unexpected time on your hands, use it on yourself or to get caught up on other things.
When you are making a schedule, remember to allocate time for interruptions. If you forget to pay attention to things such as traffic or telephone conversation running a bit longer, this can seriously disrupt your entire day. If you make allowances for these interruptions, you will be able focus and keep on track.
If managing your time is difficult, pay attention to each task. It’s hard to do everything efficiently when multi-tasking. Doing too many things at once leaves you flustered and exhausted, which means quality suffers! Instead, relax and focus on projects one at a time until they’re done.
Step back for a minute and look at how you are working right now. Try to determine why, for example, you leave many tasks unfinished. By analyzing your day, you can figure out what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong so you know where to make improvements.
Plan your day in advance. You can do this by keeping a calendar of future events, planning your schedule each evening or making a priority list for the entire week. If you do this, you can relax a little knowing what you will be prepared for the next day.
Plan out each day every morning. Jot down what you want to do and the estimated time it will take to do it. This will ensure you stay on track all day.
Close the door to your office when you need to really buckle down and get work done. If you keep your door open, you are letting other people think that they can interrupt you with their questions or problems. Closing the door grants instant privacy. People will see that you want to focus, and this will help you to get things done faster.
Try to remain focused on the task at hand to improve your time management. Avoid distraction by tasks that come up while working on one already. People sometimes try to give you other projects while you are working on a project. Never allow this. Finish your task before you take on more of them.
Remember that sometimes you can’t do everything you want to do. In fact, it’s likely to be impossible. In effect, about 80% of your work gets done in about 20% of the day. Do your best to finish whatever you can, but realize that you are not able to do everything.
Make a list of what you want to accomplish and put the most important things first. Work through the list from top to bottom, not randomly. Finish one then move down the list. If you fail to remember what you need to do, always keep a written list close by.
Keep a to-do list handy at all times. This is good as a reminder. Some tasks can be emotional or stressful. Don’t let that get in the way of not gettings done. Having the list to remind you will keep you on track.
Reward Yourself
Do not reward yourself until after you’ve reached certain goals. For instance, the fresh cup of joe you’re craving might throw your schedule for the day off, so skip it until you have time for a break. You should reward yourself often but only if it doesn’t interfere with your longer term goals.
Try prioritizing your goals and doing the most vital ones first. Your quality will decrease if you spread yourself too thin. Nothing will get done. Each task will be done efficiently by doing one at a time.
Reduce transportation costs and time by doing more than one errand at once. If you need to stop at the bank, make sure that you also plan out other stops along your route such as the grocery store, the dry cleaners, etc. If you must pick up your kid from their after school program, try going early and doing another small errand.
Break down to-do lists into four quadrants. Label one column as important, and the other column as not important. For the horizontal, one will be for tasks that are not urgent, while the other is for urgent. Do not spend more than five to ten percent of your time in the not urgent/not important quadrant. Most of your time is going to be spent on the urgent/important quadrant. Focus on setting aside time for activities within the important/not urgent section, as these may later become problematic.
Explore the time management method known as “Pomodoro.” This method suggests that you work for 25 minutes and break for 5. This keeps you from feeling overworked. This helps you get high quality work done quickly, but also leaves room for other things in your life.
If something happens that will take five minutes or less to take care of, take care of it right away. Otherwise, put it on your list for later. If there is anything that normally pops up, add it to your to do list.
One of the only things on earth we’re unable to increase is time. You will only have 24 hours during the day to work. The advice listed above will teach you how to properly manage your time.
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