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What is wisdom? But , what are the conditions that render it desirable, if not necessary, and that which is its essential purpose?

Life is a desire to live, and a desire to live happily. As we strive to meet this desire, we experience barriers that complicate or frustrate our attempts. This complication or pity amounts to suffering since it stands in the means of satisfaction.

Wisdom is designed to help us cope with this suffering. It’s an adaptive product of reason in the face of tough conditions. Due to it, joy is conceivable and achievable regardless of everything. It’s thus the supreme good.

Truly, faith is a good that many rank equally high, because it serves the same purpose as wisdom, if otherwise. The difference is in the way religion and intellect portray suffering and specify the significance of life.

By the view of religion, anguish betrays a state of worldly imperfection that’s in contradiction with the human desire for perfect pleasure. Consequently, life here below — where individuals are doomed to endure — is absurd in itself. Or rather, life is meaningful rigorously in terms of means to some heavenly end in the great beyond: A lifetime of merit prepares the way for an afterlife of bliss. The religious believe that in accordance with the teachings of an inspired spiritual leader, who claims to know the transcendental nature of the hereafter.

Whilst I cast a skeptical eye on those teachings, I keep my head open. They are highly suspicious, but the transcendental nature of the thing puts them beyond the reach of almost any discredit based on conclusive evidence.

Anyhow, as I see it, wisdom is independent of faith, even though it can complement the latter. In accordance with it, life in itself has meaning, despite its imperfection people can learn to accept. Better still, they could learn to appreciate this imperfection since they realize perfection, contrary to popular belief, isn’t infinitely desirable.

Indeed, ideal happiness leaves something to be desired. By definition, it excludes suffering and hence all sorts of frustration or complication. It supposes that circumstances are unquestionably favorable — that is, not tough at all. Therefore, no attempt is essential while each dream is possible. At first glance, this seems just like the most wonderful situation possible, and yet taking a second look at it will dispel this illusion.

What odd whim, at the history of humankind, has forced people from every walk of life to leave their comfy house and embark on risky ventures? Perhaps this whim is not so strange after all. A multitude of conquests are made for the sheer joy of conquering against great odds. The operative word is pride, accompanied by excitement. To conquest-minded people the infinite ease of paradise entails infinite boredom. To them life — together with the battle that’s integral to it — is the most thing that perfect pleasure leaves to be desired. It is an opportunity to prove brave and victorious, though it is also a risk of neglecting painfully.

Happiness is all about grasping this opportunity with courage and gaining a victory over the barriers that stand between us and achievement in all the actions that matter to us. This victory can be strenuous and always restricted, precarious, and transitory, and we are bound to lose the struggle ultimately; however that makes the victory all the more precious and worthy of savoring.

When seeking to define the actions where we care to succeed, we are made to examine our nature to know our purpose. Our growing wise is dependent on this research and this understanding, leading to the definition. It starts with a knowledge of our animal will to endure, as survival is the foundation on which life, at the truly human perception, is built. The consciousness of life in this sense follows. It takes into consideration both our humanity and our identity, as members of society with particular tastes and abilities to which a wide range of activities are suited.

The clearer we are about our purpose, the greater we could live our own lives with determination and enthusiasm, and so having a higher prospect of success and achieving joy. The reverse is just as true. It therefore stands to reason that in striving after wisdom we lay the groundwork for happiness and success.

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